Shaking his head, Rayne grabbed my hands. "No, not the same. They have powers even greater than ours. Even Antoine is hesitant to go up against them."

I frowned.

Well, that's not good. Antoine was the strongest of them all. If he was nervous about this, then we were in real trouble.

Groaning, I leaned my head on my knees. "Can we just move somewhere far far away? Like Tahiti?"

Rayne chuckled. "That sounds nice. Sadly, running isn't an option here. We have to see this through."

"We can't see anything through until we find the council. Are we sure they're going to contact us?"

Rayne lifted my hands to his lips, kissing each one in turn. "Antoine has it under control. He's sure they will contact us shortly. He's dealt with them before."

I nodded numbly.

We had heard absolutely nothing since Morpheus showed up on our doorstep and killed Jack. They killed a bunch of women and made the bartender at Club Dead point the finger at Allister. Not to mention the fact that all of the Durands' assets were in trouble.

They were playing some kind of game. A game we didn't know the rules to or know what they were trying to win. All we knew was that we couldn't lose.

The door to the training room opened and Drake poked his head in the room. "Hey we got mail."

Frowning at Drake's proclamation as he disappeared back through the door, I glanced over at Rayne before scrambling to my feet. Rayne was hot on my heels as we hurried after him.

In the foyer, Drake and the others, even Morpheus, stood together around Antoine, who was holding a fancy black envelope, the kind that unfolded from all four sides. As I approached, a pure white piece of paper with black writing on it appeared.

"What is it?" I asked, pushing around the others to get to Antoine's side.

"It's the council." Antoine held out the paper to me. It was thick like card stock and the words were handwritten in the fancy calligraphy style that I always envied.

It read:

The Vampire Councilrequests the presence of the House of Durand on the night of the full moon. A car will be sent.

My gaze jerkedup to Antoine's. "That's it? No time. Place? Just wait and we'll get you when we get you?"

"That is the council for you," Antoine took the paper back from me and handed it to Rayne to look over. "The full moon is tomorrow. We have to be prepared."

Allister grunted. "Not much of a notice, huh?"

Drake clamped a hand down on his brother's shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll straighten this out."

"Easy for you to say," Allister shrugged his hand off. "You're not being framed for murder."

"Who cares about you? What about me?" Morpheus growled and threw his hands in the air. "I'm the one who's got the hunters and the council on them."

"Oh, shut up, you big baby," I snapped, shoving between the guys to get to Morpheus. "If I had it my way, the council would be the least of your problems."

"Piper," Antoine warned, a hand on my arm, making me pause.

"That's right, bitch," Morpheus laughed. "Heel."

That was it.

I launched myself out of Antoine's grasp and threw myself onto Morpheus, grabbing a handful of that long flowing hair he was so proud of.

"Get off me, you blood whore." Morpheus howled before I bashed his head into the floor. "Fuck, get off. Antoine! Antoine!"

"Shouldn't we stop her?" someone asked.