
My eyes burned. Probably from all the crying I'd been doing. My life was over and I didn't even remember how. I mean if I'm going to get knocked up I want to damn sure have the memory of that night in my brain.

Unless it's not a pleasant one and then I want nothing to do with it.

The major problem now was whether or not I was going to keep it.

I placed a hand on my stomach and stared down at it. "What should I do?"

As if the baby could answer me back. I sighed. I needed someone to talk to about this. I couldn't call my mother because she'd just give me crap about ruining my life like I'd ruined her. Or she'd ask me for money. My dad was out of the picture too.

A knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts. "Piper? It's Gretchen. I brought you some soup."

Oh. Gretchen. Now there's a kindly face that might lend me an ear.

I hopped out of bed and rushed for the door. Throwing it open, I smiled at the older woman. "Thank God you're here."

Gretchen walked in with a tray and sat it on the table. She lifted the lid off the soup and steam came out with all the soupy goodness. The smell of the soup should have made me hungry but all I felt was nauseated.

I covered my mouth and turned away. "Oh my God get that out of here." I plugged my nose and waved behind me. "Please just cover it back up. Now."

Gretchen hurried to do what I asked but not fast enough. I couldn't stop it and ran for the bathroom. While I hurled my guts out I questioned my life choices.

How had I gotten here? Did someone have it out to get me? I thought I was doing alright. I had finally gotten a new job. I wasn't living in my car. There was even a guy I liked.

Fuck. Marcus. How was I going to tell him about this?

Gretchen calmly walked in and wet a washcloth in the sink. She knelt beside me by the toilet and patted my forehead with the clothes and then sat it on the back of my neck.

"Thanks," I said weakly, smiling at her.

Gretchen sat down on the edge of the tub and asked, "How far along are you?"

My head jerked up. "What?"

She smiled and chuckled. "You don't think I don't know morning sickness when I see it?"

I sank down further onto the floor, staring at the bathroom tile. "The doctor says about three months. Maybe more, maybe less. They'd have to do an ultrasound."

Gretchen patted my back. "Well, don't worry. We'll take good care of you."

My brows furrowed, I stared up at her. "You're not going to ask me who the father is?"

She shrugged a shoulder. "Not my place. I see someone in need and I help them. Simple as that." Gretchen stood and offered me her hands. "Now let's get you to bed. I'll bring you some crackers and ginger ale for morning sickness. You let me know if you feel up to eating anything. Anything at all." She explained as she helped me lay down. "I'll make sure you get taken care of."

I returned her smile, finally not feeling completely out of my mind with worry since I found out I was pregnant. Maybe it would be alright?

So what if it didn't know who the father was? Lots of women didn't know. I'd be fine. I'd be fine.

I kept repeating that to myself hoping that it would make me believe it and I fell asleep.

I must have dozed for a while because when I woke up it was evening. Turning toward my night stand, I found crackers and ginger ale waiting for me.

Picking up one of the crackers, I nibbled on it as I walked toward the bedroom door. Now that my nausea had subsided I found myself starving.

I made my way to the kitchen through the backstairs. I jerked to a stop when I heard raised voices.