I angled my head though it wasn’t really an ear thing, more of an inside my head thing and focused on Piper.

“She’s screaming into her pillow right now,” Marcus explained. “It’s faint but it’s there.”

“She must be so scared and confused right now,” Wynn murmured and I felt his sadness. I wanted to be there for Piper as well.

“So what are we going to do?” I turned to Antoine. “This obviously isn’t going away and she’s going to figure it out eventually. Wouldn’t it be best to take her back to the council and have them undo what they did?”

Antoine rubbed his forehead and stared down at the ground. “To have them undo this would put us right back in the position we were before.”

“I don’t care.” Allister jumped in and we all looked to him. “I mean, if it means I’m on trial for murder again. I don’t care. I won’t let Piper suffer this alone. I love her more than that.”

“As do we all, Allister,” Antoine countered, tucking his hands into his pockets. “But we can’t just march in there making demands. “We first need to find out how far along she is and then we can move on from there.”

“What does it matter how far along she is?” Drake demanded, getting into Antoine’s face. “She already knows she’s pregnant.”

Antoine didn’t let Drake push him around. “If she’s only at the beginning then it might be possible for Rayne to make her forget the last few hours and we can continue on as before. She won’t start showing for a while and the symptoms can easily be passed off as a sickness.”

Drake scoffed. “I can’t believe you are saying this. You want to let her forget she knows she’s pregnant and just go back to business as usual.”

“I know it sounds heartless, Draconius. But if the hunters find out she’s pregnant there could be repercussions. Ones we don’t want to deal with.”

“Like what?” Allister asked sincerely. “What would they do?”

Antoine shrugged a shoulder. “They may decide that Piper is too valuable to lose. OR they may decide they want the baby for themselves. Can you imagine what they could do with a baby that’s half human half vampire? Or what if it’s all human servant? It would be twice as powerful as any of us and used as a killing machine.”

“I won’t let that happen,” Drake announced.

“Neither will I,” Marcus moved in closer to the group.

I groaned. “I guess it’s up to me to find out how far along she is huh?”

Drake smirked, bumping me on the shoulder. “Well you are the only one with the inside scoop.”

My head drooped, letting my hair fall over my face. “Fine. I’ll go snoop. But I’m still not sure this is such a good idea.”