
After the embarrassing fiasco with Marcus in the library, I decided that if I was going to act like an unabashed slut then I probably should get on birth control. God knew I didn’t need a little person running around in the muck my life had become.

“Okay, Piper,” my doctor began holding my chart. “Have you been sexually active?”

I shook my head. “No. But I plan to be…hence the birth control.”

My doctor nodded his head and smiled politely. “Of course, now we’ll just need to take a urine sample first.” He held out a little cup to me.

“A urine sample? Okay.” I hopped off the table and headed toward the bathroom off the side of the room.

“Just place the cup in the little door when you are finished,” he explained before walking off.

I closed the bathroom door and pulled my pants down holding the little cup underneath me as I did my business. How degrading was this? But doctor’s orders.

In hindsight it was good that Marcus had freaked out and left. I wasn’t on anything and I hated to be the one to remember to ask them to wear a condom. In my experience, most men act like wearing a condom was the same as wearing a jacket over their Halloween costume. It just ruined the whole thing.

I wasn’t a man so I wouldn’t know. Condom or no condom it felt the same to me. Though, I supposed for men it would be a little different. Either way, while I sat there naked in the library, I had a moment of clarity - after I had a moment of confusion and anger about being left naked alone - that it was for the best that we didn’t have sex. He was my boss after all. Even if he said he didn’t pay my actual check.

However, on the off chance that it happened again I wanted to know for sure that I was prepared. So here I was peeing into a little cup at the doctor’s office.

Sighing, I put the cup where I had been told and flushed the toilet, washing my hands quickly before leaving the bathroom. I went back to the examination room and sat on the table, waiting for the doctor to appear again.

It didn’t take very long before the doctor returned. This time with a curious look on his face.

“Piper,” he said.

“Yes?” I answered back, a weird feeling in my gut.

“You said you weren’t sexually active?” He held his clipboard to his chest as he stared at me, like I might have been lying.

I stared right back at him. “No. I haven’t had sex in…” I thought about it for a moment before saying, “I’d say at least a year.”

The doctor’s face grew serious and he approached me, lowering his voice to a soothing tone. “The reason I ask is because you’re pregnant and usually in these cases I’d be telling you congratulations, but now I’m wondering if you might need to see someone.”

“What?” I blinked at him, shaking my head slightly. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard you. I thought you just said I’m pregnant.”

“I did.”

“That’s…that’s impossible. I haven’t had sex.” I breathed out and then in. My heart beat rose rapidly as I processed the information.

“Now Piper, take a few deep breaths, we don’t want you to hyperventilate.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and showed me how to breathe. I tried to copy him the best I could but my mind was whirling with all the possibilities of how this could have happened. I didn’t remember having sex with anyone and I haven’t had any black out drunk nights that I could consider. Hell, the closest I’d come to having sex was with Marcus yesterday and there’s no way in hell that could have happened.

“Do you think perhaps you were drugged?” the doctor asked once I got my breathing under control.

I shook my head rapidly. “No. I don’t know. I don’t remember. Would I remember?”

“Why don’t we take a blood test and see if we can pinpoint how far along you are?” He offered with a reassuring smile. “That might help narrow down when this might have happened.”

I bobbed my head in answer but I wasn’t really listening, not anymore. Even through the nurse taking my blood I seemed to have gone deaf. The only thing playing over and over in my head was the two words: You’re pregnant.

I wasn’t some innocent school girl. I knew how this all happened. I’ve even had my share of pregnancy scares but this was just so out there that I couldn’t even begin to imagine how it could be possible. Me? Pregnant?”

“Okay, Piper,” the doctor came back, staring down at his little clipboard. “It looks like your hCG levels are quite high so I feel confident in saying you’re probably close to the end of your first trimester but we’d need an ultrasound to confirm that.” When I didn’t answer, he stared at me for a long moment. “Piper, have you felt any symptoms? Nausea. Fatigue. Mood swings?”

I shook my head, swallowing thickly. “No. Not that I know of.”