“Well, I can get you down to OBGYN and get you an ultrasound if you like. Then we can go from there. What do you say? Piper?”

I stood from the table and shook my head. “I can’t. Not…not today. I’ll make an appointment.”

“Alright then,” the doctor followed me as I left the room before I could get very far away, he took me by the arm. “Do you want me to call someone for you? A friend? A boyfriend? You’ve had quite a shock and I’m not sure you should be alone right now.“

I forced a small smile. “No, I’m fine. I’ll talk to someone when I get home. Thank you, doctor.”

He released me reluctantly and I hurried away. My mind going a million miles a minute, I couldn’t even think of anything other than what was going on in my body right then. How? How? How?

I didn’t even realize how I’d gotten home when I pulled the car into the driveway of the Durand manor. Darren was outside fiddling with the garden when I arrived. He took one look at me and rushed to my side.

“Piper…are you alright?” The concern on his face was more than that of a worried coworker. It was almost like we were closer than that.

I chuckled and rubbed my face. “I must look horrible if you’re asking me that.”

Darren paused and then said, “You are looking rather pale.”

“Am I?” I touched my cheeks with both hands and found them cold. Not surprising since I felt like I might just keel over and die at any moment. Then I’d wake up and this had all been a bad dream.

“Maybe you should go lie down.” Darren wrapped an arm around my waist and tried to lead me toward the house.

I shrugged him off with a curious look. “It’s okay. I can walk. Thanks.”

A flash of hurt went across Daren’s face for a second and then it was gone. “Oh, okay. Sorry.”

This day just got weirder and weirder.

I walked in the back door and into the kitchen where Gretchen stood behind the stove.

“Oh, Piper,” she greeted with a smile and then frowned at me. “You’re looking sick. Are you alright? Want me to make you some soup?”

I shook my head. “No, thanks. I’m okay. I might come get something later.”

“Okay…” Gretchen replied, her eyes following me as I walked up the stairs.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get to my room right away to have a mental breakdown. Rayne was waiting for me by my bedroom door.

“Hey, no offense but I’m not feeling too hot right now. Can we talk later?” I told him as soon as I was near.

Rayne pursed his lips and looked me over. Without asking he touched my forehead and then frowned. “You don’t have a fever. Maybe you have a bug?”

Yeah a bug called pregnancy!

“You’re what now?”

I frowned. “Huh?”

“I mean,” Rayne cleared his throat and shifted in place. “Do you think you might have a bug?”

I swallowed and nodded trying my best not to burst into tears. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s all it is.” I grabbed my door handle and turned it. “I’m just going to go to bed for now.”

“Alright, I’ll check on you later.” Then Rayne was gone before I could even say thank you.