Chapter 7


"Idon't like this," Drake grumbled next to me on the airplane. "We should be looking for Marcus, not going back to Georgia."

This is a waste of time.

Swiveling in his chair, Wynn leaned on one elbow and stared lazily at Drake. "If they found Marcus, they might have found Piper and Darren as well."

"No way." Drake brushed him off with a shake of his head. "One has nothing to do with the other. Marcus was being rash."A dumb ass plan anyway."It was his own fault for getting caught. It has nothing to do with Piper or Darren."

Wynn cocked a brow. "Do you really wish to chance it?"

Fucking know it all.

Drake grunted. "I guess not." His fingers clenched into fists and he pounded one onto the arm of the chair. "I'm just so tired of running. I want to go home."

"Don't you think we all do?" Allister scowled at his brother. "We're not running for the fun of it." Allister jumped out of his seat and waved a finger at Drake. "Stop thinking of yourself for five fucking seconds and think of what Marcus must be going through. They're probably torturing him as we speak, and all you can do is whine about wanting to go home! Sometimes, I don't know how I'm even related to you."

Drake sank lower into his seat, his eyes dropping down.

It wasn't often Allister yelled at his brother. In fact, it's only happened twice in the time I'd known them. For Allister to go off on him now showed how dire the situation was.

"Come now, Allister." Antoine glanced away from the window, his voice tired and strained. "We are all worried about Marcus, but there's no need to take it out on each other." Though, he was right. This was all my fault.

"No, there isn’t," I interrupted him, speaking for the first time since we'd gotten on the plane. "Marcus knew what he was doing. He is the most capable of all of us. And while I can't read his thoughts, I know that right now, he would be thinking at least he learned where their base was." I offered him a reassuring smile. The atmosphere of the plane lifted a little bit, but it was still hard to be positive when one of our own was held captive or worse, dead.

Good thing they couldn't read my thoughts.

"Rayne is right. We can't do anything until we know where the base is," Allister explained, nodding in my direction. "Checking on the others is a good plan and we might also find out something useful."

Drake sighed and placed his face in his hand. "Fine. I guess I'm outvoted either way."We're just gonna get bitched at by Piper for letting Marcus get captured anyway,he thought

I winced. That wasn't completely untrue. Piper and Marcus might not be together yet, but she would still rip them a new one for letting even one of our members be captured. I didn't look forward to that conversation.

However, it would be worth it to have her in my arms again. It felt like a lifetime since I'd kissed her. Since I'd lain beside her and just held her as she slept. Even cleaning up one of our messes would do. God, I would give anything to see her bent over cleaning the toilet again.

"Gentlemen, we are starting our final descent." The pilot's voice came over a large speaker, interrupting my thoughts.

We buckled our seat belts and prepared for landing. Normally, we wouldn't care about wearing them. It's not like we could die from it, but we didn't have time to nurse any wounds today. We had to get to where Piper and Darren had been living and find out if they knew anything, or worse, if the hunters had found them too.

I shuddered at the thought. Just the possibility that the hunters could have my girl in their lair was more than I could take. They could be doing all manner of things to her right now and she would have no one there to save her.

We filed out of the airplane in solemn silence, each of us focused on our thoughts on what was ahead. I pulled my powers into myself, unable to bear the others’ doubts and fears along with my own. Mine were bad enough.

Antoine turned to us once we sat inside of the limo. "When we arrive, refrain from telling Piper about Marcus right away. We don't need her to be hysterical before we can find out anything useful from her."

Drake snorted. "That's an understatement."

Giving Drake a sharp look, Antoine continued, crossing one leg and then the other. "We don't know how much time Marcus has, so we have to work quickly. We need to make sure that none of them have found their way to Seabrick and then leave immediately. We don't want to bring them to Piper's doorstep if we don't have to."

Wynn leaned forward on his knees, his usual nonchalance missing. "And what is the plan if dear Piper and Darren do not know anything? How will we go after Marcus?" He splayed his hands out in front of him.

Antoine ran a hand over his face and blew out a breath. It wasn't often we saw our leader so distraught and without a plan. "Then I suppose we have to look to our other contacts to find him."Though, Morpheus might be the worst of the two.

I gaped at him. "No way. You can't mean to go back to that bastard. He already tried to fuck me over once, and instead got Piper in the mix. We should figure it out on our own."

The others looked at me with my outburst, not quite catching up to who Antoine was thinking about. Then it clicked and they weren't any happier than I had been. Their shouts of protest overlapped each other until I couldn't tell who was saying what.