“Was there something else?” I tucked the paper into the pocket of my pants.

The big man jerked away at my words and then scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Oh, um, you’re new around here, aren’t you? Are you from the main headquarters? I’m Tristan, by the way.”

Headquarters. So that’s what they called their base of operations. Better than calling it a lair, I supposed, but still kind of pretentious.

Quick on my feet, I shook my head. “Piper. And no, I just came back from a job in Europe. Hunting down some nest of vampires. I heard they came back to the states.”

Buzzed head’s expression lighted up. “Oh! You mean the Durands.” He chuckled and grinned menacingly. “Those bloodsuckers keep giving everyone the slip, but I hear they got them pinned down in a college town in Rhode Island.”

“Really?” I arched a brow. Was it bad that I was getting more information about my guys from the hunters than from them? I’d have to do something about that. “Then perhaps I should head that way.”

“Oh, no.” He grabbed my arm as I turned away. I glanced down at his hand and he dropped it immediately. “Oops, sorry. I mean, don’t bother. They’ll be on the move again.”

I frowned. “What’s that?”

“Yeah.” He nodded knowingly. “You just got here, so you probably haven’t had a chance to check-in, but they caught one of them and are bringing him here.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. I was going to be sick. They caught one of the guys? How could it be? Wynn didn’t mention anything about it when he came by.

“Oh, yeah, it just happened,” Tristan continued, as if I weren’t having a total meltdown. “Normally, they’d take him to the main headquarters, but since the president is visiting us right now, he ordered them to bring him here.”

“They’re bringing him here?” I grabbed the front of Tristan’s tank top and clenched it in my fist. “Where? When?”

Tristan balked. “Uh, um, I don’t know. They just gave word they were coming today.”

I sighed and released him. “Oh.”

“You must really have it out for those vamps to get so worked up like that.” Tristan gave me a nervous smile. I nodded to put him at ease. “Well, won’t be until tomorrow, if anything. Why don’t you relax? I can show you around if you want? Do you have a room assigned yet?”

I let Tristan lead me farther into the manor, barely listening to anything he was saying. My mind was full of thoughts of who they could have captured. Was it Wynn? He hadn’t gotten taken on the way back, had he? I didn’t know, but waiting until tomorrow to find out was going to be torture.