I felt a deep pang of desire stir within me, but I simply laughed.

“That, my dear, it is.”

We began to walk down the docks again. We had only gone a yard or two before Amelia suddenly froze, her small hand catching my arm.

“What is it?” I asked, looking at her with some concern.

“I thought I saw a man watching us.” She blurted, her eyes fixed on a point some distance away.

I stared in the direction she had mentioned, but saw nothing… only crates.

“It’s dim. Your eyes are playing tricks on you.”

She nodded, her expression still disconcerted.

“Come,” I continued, slipping her hand into mine. “Let us get to your uncle’s before I start seeing things, too.”

Chapter Eleven


Wearrivedatmyuncle’s house just as the sun was disappearing fully below the horizon. Louisa greeted us at the door. She looked curiously from me to Will, but didn’t ask any questions, instead ushering us into the living room.

Uncle Nicholas, already feeling much better, was upstairs, along with Richard. Will, likely anticipating that Richard wouldn’t want him there, offered to wait downstairs as Louisa and I went to see my uncle. It was a sensible suggestion, and I recognized that Will was probably right.

It still upset me, however. Will had been an integral part of Nicholas’s recovery… and he had even paid the medical bills.

Rake or not, he deserved a thank you.

As Louisa ushered me up the stairs, she gave me a knowing, conspiratorial look. I could only imagine it had to do with Will. I sighed, shaking my head. Before she had a chance to broach the topic, we emerged onto the landing.

“Amelia!” Uncle Nicholas cried, his face lighting up as I approached his bedside.

I smiled, taking his hand in mine.

“Uncle! I’m so happy to see that you’re doing well.”

Richard, I noted, was in the opposite corner of the room. He looked like he was trying very hard not to glare at me.

“Indeed, I am nearly fully recovered.” Nicholas grunted, sitting up in the bed.

“You still need more rest, father.” Richard retorted in a clipped tone.

My uncle rolled his eyes.

“Yes, yes, son.” He tilted his head towards me, and then continued in a whisper. “This onehas been in a bit of abadmood recently. I daresay he’s upset I survived.”

I laughed, shaking my head at his absurdity. I could very well believe that Richard had been unpleasant… but I reckoned that it had nothing to do with his father’s recovery, and rather everything to do with the Viscount currently waiting in the drawing room.

“Nonsense, uncle. We’re all amazed by your quick recovery. Only a man of the sea could prove hardy enough to sustain such an energy and recover so fast.”

“Oh ho, Amelia, you give me too much credit.”

He squeezed my hand, and I felt my heart warm a little bit. Looking at Nicholas was like looking at a hardened, more-wrinkled version of my father. I imagined that my father might have looked a bit like my uncle, had he lived long enough to acquire the same lines on his face.

“We love having you visit, dear girl.” Nicholas said tenderly, as if sensing my thoughts. “We’d have you here all the time if we could.”

I smiled back at him; behind me, Richard was stirring uncomfortably in his chair.