I didn’t look behind me.

AftersayingfarewelltoMr. Jennings, I led Amelia back towards the carriage. Evening was falling quickly over London, and the Thames was busy with the last arrivals of the day. We walked along a more secluded part of the dock, a cool summer breeze stirring her skirts.

“Mr. Jennings is an interesting man.”

I nodded, looking down at my mousy companion.

“He is. Smart and tough. His grandfather was the Marquess de Chambray… though you would never know he was of the peerage.”

Amelia shook her head.

“I would not have guessed. He was…”

“Rough around the edges?”

She laughed.

“What was your business, anyways?”

I stared forward, watching lights on the ships bob up and down along the river beyond.

“It’s complicated.” I finally responded, trying to be honest and yet not reveal too much.

There were places I could not go with Amelia, or anyone, for that matter… not yet, and perhaps not ever.

“Mm.” She said, looking up at me. “I had no idea your family was invested in the East Indies.”

I sighed.

“They spent the majority of my childhood in the Indies. You remember, they were never at Rosehill. The East had more to offer them, apparently.”

She sensed the bitterness in my voice.

“Well, there was a silver lining to that.”

I stopped and turned towards her, our eyes locking.

“And that would be?”

“With no supervision, you were allowed to be friends with the lowly steward’s daughter.”

Amelia smiled, her grey eyes illuminated by the setting sun, and I found myself frozen in her gaze.

“Indeed.” I said softly, never breaking eye contact.

The docks around us were empty, save for the occasional seagull.

Without thinking, I took her hands in my own, feeling the warmth of her skin through my gloves. She didn’t stop me, and instead parted her lips ever so slightly, like an invitation.

I pulled her body towards me gently, letting my lips brush against hers. She emitted a soft sigh of pleasure, and I let my tongue graze lightly against her tender, rosebud lips. She melted into my touch, and I deepened the kiss, feeling desire sweep over me like a wave.

Before I lost myself entirely, I broke away from her, smirking down at her befuddled expression.

“Now, Amelia, kissing a rake in public… this is justaskingfor scandal.”

She blushed, biting her lip.

“Scandal is rather enjoyable.”