I pulled my arm away. “I’m not a demon.”

“You didn’t answer my question, little half demon,” he said. “Your wolf side is strong enough to hide your demon from most people but the fire gave you away. You need to come to terms with the fact that you are half demon.”

He brushed his thumb against my arm again. “We’ll try another approach, was your mom or dad the wolf?”

This time, I left my arm in place, letting him continue to touch me, though I wasn’t sure why. “My dad. Now, it’s my turn.”

“Ask, little demon.”

“Why haven’t you killed me yet?” It was probably a stupid waste of a question but it tumbled out, a curiosity beyond my control. My judgement was clouded, my mind feeling a little foggy. I shook my head and pulled my arm away and I felt clearer. “Your touch…”

“It’s nice, right?” he asked. “Most people are a little overwhelmed by how good the touch from an incubus feels. Especially when the attraction is mutual.”

“Enough. No more toying with me. Answer,” I demanded.

“I haven’t killed you because it’s forbidden. Demon code prevents us from killing our own kind. Though, I have to admit, I might make an exception for my darling brother. He’s a traitor, you know. He was banished for crimes against our kind.” David’s demeanor changed, his expression darkening and his hands clenching into fists.

“What did he do?” I asked.

“No more questions,” he said. “Just know that Elias isn’t who you think he is.”

I kept my mouth shut, processing his words. Elias was my only hope at proving my innocence. If I couldn’t find the true killer, I needed him to do something to help me. He was the only one who knew the truth. Though, I was doubting his intentions more by the second.

“A word of advice, darling, you’d be better off giving me the stone and going back to your life. You don’t need to be involved in any of this. While that stone is in your possession, you’re going to continue to be hunted from all sides. If you pass it to me, I’ll make it clear I have it. The monsters will stop hunting you and you can return to chasing down petty thieves and minor criminals.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re insane if you think I’d give the stone to you.”

He shrugged. “Fine. Have it your way. I can wait until you make a mistake and reveal its location. I’m not in a hurry. But don’t be surprised when my brother presses you for it. I’m sure his boss is hungry to have it returned to her clan.”

“He’s never once asked for the stone.” I was trying to remind myself more than inform David. Even I’d admit I was starting to question everything. David was charming and alluring. There was a part of me that wanted to succumb to him.

Stupid incubus.

It had to be his magic making me react this way. This was part of why demons weren’t allowed here. Their magic was far too powerful compared with any other supernatural.

“It’s a shame,” David said as he took a step away from me.

“What is?” I asked, then immediately regretted falling for his bait.

“Seeing such a beautiful creature like yourself go to waste. I’m sure you’ll be dead in a matter of days. Tell me, darling, do you have the shifter weaknesses? Silver, mortality?” He moved closer to the door.

I felt a release, as if I’d been let go of invisible restraints. I gasped, taking in a huge gulp of air. With David a few feet away from me, it was as if I had been released from a spell. I glared at him. That asshole had been using magic on me the whole time.Fucker.“What I am is not your business. You already said no more questions. So unless you’re going to try to kill me, your business here is done. You and your hell wolves can get the fuck out.”

He laughed. “I think I’m in love.”

“In your dreams, asshole.”

He grinned. “That can be arranged.”

“Don’t even think about it,” I hissed.

He pushed the door open and the last traces of magic fell from me, allowing me to finally think completely clearly. I raced toward the door and burst out into the bar.

The fog was lifting and I could just make out the outline of two figures. One was groaning as it slowly stood from its place on the floor. The other was laying still.

My heart thundered in my chest and I moved closer, the fog dissipated enough for me to recognize Xander sprawled out on the floor.

No. No. No. No.