I ran to his side and dropped to my knees. I’d brought this to him. I came here and brought the hellhounds to his bar. I was the cause of all of this.

Don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead.

I couldn’t lose him. We’d just met, but I already felt so protective of him. I wasn’t about to let Lola’s brother die on my watch. I pressed my fingers to his neck, feeling for a pulse.

I didn’t take my eyes off of Xander but I could feel Elias’s presence as he knelt down next to me.

“What happened?” I asked as I moved my fingers, still fighting to find a pulse.

“I could ask you the same thing. You were alone with my brother in that bathroom a long time,” Elias said.

“You better choose your next words very carefully,” I snapped. Then I felt it, the tiniest, smallest sign of a pulse.

I glanced over at Elias and he looked like he was about to speak. I held up my hand in astopgesture. “Unless your next words are how to help Xander, keep it to yourself.”

Elias narrowed his eyes. He looked pissed but I didn’t care. I had to save Xander. I looked back to the fallen shifter and started checking for wounds. Was he passed out or was it something worse?

Then I saw the familiar blade handle sticking from above his left hip. The bastards had stabbed him with my knife. Xander was slowly dying of silver poisoning.