Suddenly, Elias pushed me so hard I slammed into the wall, knocking a framed photo to the ground. He was in front of me now, and things were moving way too fast.

In a blur of black fabric and gold sparks, bodies flew into the air. Grunts, screams, and the sound of bones snapping reverberated through the silence of the bar.

I took a step forward, trying to navigate my way into the fray, but there was so much motion and so many moving bodies that I couldn’t find an opening.

Finally, sound returned, hitting me like a sonic boom. The bar erupted in screams as all the patrons scrambled toward the door. I moved away from the entry so I didn’t get trampled, which caused me to take my eyes off the fight.

Though, I suppose it wasn’t much of a fight.

When I looked back, there was a pile of shifters and Elias stood in the center of them. His shoulders rose and fell with heavy breaths. The gold sparks I’d come to associate with whatever the fuck his magic was sizzled on his fingertips.

“What just happened?” I asked.

“You’re welcome,” he said.

“I told you I had it under control,” I insisted, which I didn’t. We both knew that.

He laughed. “Yeah. I can see that.”

The door opened and we turned to see who was stupid enough to walk back in.

Tan skin, jet black hair, and amber eyes, the newcomer instantly sent a shiver right through me. He was huge and imposing and holy fuck he was every fantasy I’ve ever had about a perfect man.

But this wasn’t a man. This was a shifter.

“Xander Vega?” I asked.

“What the fuck did you do to my bar?” he asked.