“We don’t want hunters in here,” another said. He was shorter but built like a tank. He cracked his knuckles as he moved closer to me. “This is no place for traitors.”

I’d heard that before. Lots of supernaturals viewed hunters as traitors, because we hunted our own kind. But we weren’t the ones who broke supernatural law. Sure, I’d taken down my share of supernaturals, but they were all bad. At least that was what I told myself so I could sleep at night. Not that it always worked, but honestly, I didn’t accept a case if it felt morally wrong.

“Look, I have to see him. You can tell me where to find him or I’ll go elsewhere. Either way, I’m going to talk to him.”

“Last warning, little one,” a third male said. He was a mouth breather with a shiny bald head and a red face. His nostrils flared as he bared his teeth at me. “Or we’ll have to teach you a lesson about poking around where you don’t belong.”

It was clear I was in the right place. All of these assholes had to be High Moon Pack. They thought they were protecting their Alpha. But how good could he be if he needed protection from a five-foot-six half shifter hunter?

“Seriously?” I shook my head. “You all need to back the fuck off. Let your boss make the choice. Unless you don’t think he can take me? Is that it? He’s afraid to have a conversation with a hunter?”

Mouth breather pulled back his fist and I ducked, sliding off the stool just in time to prevent getting knuckles in my teeth.

Someone grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms against my side. I kicked and twisted. “Let me go.”

“Who sent you?” he asked.

“I sent myself, dickwad. Now let me go. This is important.” I elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to loosen his grip enough for me to twist around. Facing him, I pulled an arm free and punched him in the chin.

He grunted and let go of me as his hand moved to hold his jaw. “You bitch.”

I ran forward but only got a few steps before someone grabbed my arm and yanked me down. My feet slipped and I went down hard, landing on my knees. Before I could scramble back to my feet, someone grabbed my ankle and pulled me, sending me flat to my stomach.

I managed to roll to my back and kick my foot right up between the legs of the male who had my ankle. He let go but the other male kicked me in the stomach. I groaned as my vision blurred. He kicked me again, knocking the wind from me.

Forcing myself to breathe, I scrambled away from the foot and pushed myself up. Four males were closing in on me and we had an audience. Cheers erupted and a few people whistled. I could hear the hum of the music in the background but my ears were ringing, making the lyrics impossible to pinpoint.

“Seriously? Four against one?”

“We warned you,” one of them said.

I reached down and grabbed my knife then held it out in front of me. “Fine. We’ll do this your way.”

Mouth breather charged me, his hands reaching for me like claws. I dodged and swiped with my blade, catching his cheek. As I shifted away from my attacker, one of the others stepped in and a fist made contact with my cheek.

The pain radiated through the whole side of my face, making my eyes water. I could taste the copper scent of blood in my mouth.

With a growl, I charged forward, managing to plunge the knife into his shoulder. He let out a howl of pain as I pulled the knife out from him.

Arms went around my waist and I was on the floor again, barely breaking my fall with my hands. My knife flew across the floor and a black boot stepped on it, stopping its slide.

Those boots had a familiar quality to them. I looked up to see Elias. A little of the tension I was feeling eased and a rush of gratitude filled me. I’d never admit it, but these shifters were kicking my ass.

“Let her go and back away, only warning,” Elias said. His tone was chilling and steady. The entire bar went silent.

No music, no talking, no cheering. Silent as a grave.

“This ain’t your business.” The shifter with the huge eyebrows took a step toward Elias.

I felt the pressure release from my back and I knew they’d found a new toy. I wasn’t being held down anymore. Quickly, I got to my feet and bypassed the shifters who were moving closer to Elias. I moved in front of him.

“Back the fuck off, all of you,” I said. “We have business with Xander Vega and we’re not leaving until we see him.”

Elias moved next to me. “Stay back, I’ll handle this.”

“I’ve got this,” I hissed.

“Yeah, the blood on your face makes that clear,” he said.