It was dark and smoky and classic rock played on the ancient juke box. People filled every space, gathered around tables, lined up at the bar, shooting pool. It was like every stereotypical dive bar I’ve ever been to. The only difference was that the whole place hummed with a kind of pent-up energy that could only come from so many shifters gathered in the same place.

Once again, I couldn’t shut off my senses. There was so much magic here. It wasn’t anything like the magic that I felt from Elias. This was different. Primal, tangled, less focused. Shifter magic wasn’t the same energy as mages or vampires, but I could feel it.

Walking through this bar was like wading hip deep in a shifter magic bog.

Thankfully, my ability to sense magic in other supernaturals wasn’t a typical shifter gift. Not a single head turned to me as I made my way to the bar. The music continued, occasionally interrupted by the clacking of pool balls or the grunts or cheers of patrons. It was all relatively normal. A human dropping by probably wouldn’t know there was anything different about this place. They might feel like something’s off, but they wouldn’t know why.

I found an empty bar stool between a pair of males who were so shamelessly flirting with the people next to them that I had no risk of being the focus of their attention.

The bartender walked over to me while polishing a glass. I’m serious. He was legit polishing a glass as if I was in the middle of some cheesy western. I half expected him to ask me how I was feeling or greet me by name. Which of course, is ridiculous.

“What can I get you?” he asked.

“Seltzer and lime,” I said.

He lifted a judgmental eyebrow but didn’t comment on my lack of alcohol. I know I seem like a party pooper every time I order a drink at a bar, but I don’t trust myself with booze. My powers are too sensitive when I’m drunk and I can’t shut them down. It’s overwhelming to sense the magic everywhere and it often extends beyond that.

When I drink, I let my guard down and I can feel more than just magic. And trust me, you don’t want to know the feelings and emotions of the people around you. It ruined a lot of friendships for me when I was younger. Imagine knowing that your friend isn’t actually into their significant other or that that same friend wants to jump into your pants. It’s awkward. Trust me on that.

The bartender returned with my boring ass drink and set it in front of me. I took it and slid a five-dollar bill toward him. “Thanks. Two years sober and I can finally come into these places without temptation.”

His judgmental expression changed and he smiled. “Good for you, doll.”

I resisted wincing.Doll? Who uses that term?

“Can I get you a burger or something?” he asked.

“I’m not hungry, but I am looking for something else,” I said, using the seductive voice that made me feel a little guilty.

“You’re not quite my type, darling, but I can point you in the direction of some lonely males if you’re in the mood,” he said.

Gotta love a helpful bartender, am I right? “That’s sweet, but this isn’t a social call.”

“Oh?” He leaned over the top of the shiny wood bar. “What is it then?”

“I’m looking for someone, and I heard this was the place to find him,” I said.

He backed away, then looked me up and down before returning his eyes to mine. “You’re a hunter.”

“I am, but I’m not on duty, this is personal. A family matter,” I added.

“Lay it on me and I’ll see what I can do,” he said.

“I’m looking for Xander Vega,” I said.

The bartender’s whole body stiffened and the friendly expression dissolved in an instant. “I think you need to leave.”

“It’s important,” I said. “I have to speak with him.”

He shook his head. “You should go now. Before something happens.”

The air in the bar shifted and I could feel the presence of shifters closing in around me.

“I mean no harm. I need to speak with him regarding his sister,” I said.

Someone grabbed my arm and tugged, dragging me around so I was now facing away from the bartop. Six huge male shifters were glaring at me.

“He told you to leave, hunter,” a male with massive bushy black eyebrows and a nose that looked like it’d been broken multiple times said.