
I hadno idea what this new teacher was trying to do, but it sure seemed like she was setting us against non-mages. It was odd considering the fact that she was fae. Professor Hurd never let his dislike of shifters show and favored the mages, but this was something else. Unless she legitimately thought we were at risk of needing to fight demons and shifters.

The bell rang and Professor Flora called over the sound rustling and zippers. “Next class, be prepared to begin your individual study of your chosen topic. You will be tested.”

“Can’t wait for that,” I mumbled.

Raven caught my eye. “At least yours isn’t something that’s possibly illegal.”

“This woman is insane,” Zach said under his breath.

I had to agree. We were going to have to keep an eye on her. After Professor Halifax, my trust of fae was thin. I knew Raven was half fae, but she didn’t know anything about the fae. She didn’t know their past or why they’d really been banned from our realm.

They were terrifying at full power. The strongest magic users there were. From what I’d heard, they weren’t all that fond of humans and while the practice of stealing human childrenshouldbe over, considering they weren’t supposed to cross into our realm, I doubted that was the case. The fact there was a fae who joined us from their realm proves that theory.

Professor Flora watched us silently as we walked past her to the door. I could feel her gaze on me even after I couldn’t see her anymore. A chill shivered down my spine. It was going to be a long couple of months in her class.

As soon as we were outside, I grabbed Raven and pulled her against the wall so we could get away from the stream of students pouring through the hallway. Zach noticed the action and joined us.

“Hey, what did you want to tell us before?” I asked.

Her eyes darted around and I could feel the anxiety practically rolling off of her.

“What is it?” Zach asked.

“You can tell us,” I said.

She shook her head. “Not here. My room.”

“Okay,” I said. “Lead the way.”

We went against the flow of students who were heading to the cafeteria for lunch. I tried to think of what she might be so upset over, but I couldn’t figure out what it might be. She’d had 2 classes this morning without us, so my guess is it was something there. Were the sirens giving her shit again?

Heat filled my chest at the thought. If they were trying to hurt her again, I was going to have to do something to stop it. The last time one of them went after Raven, she’d ended up in the hospital.

The shifter dorm was quiet as we walked down the stone steps. The temperature dropped as we made our descent. I hated that she lived down here. “You know, you can still move to our room any time. At least there’s sunlight in our room.”

“I like my room,” Raven said. “Besides, it’s not for too much longer. It seems crazy to pack up and move for such a short time.”

I frowned, wondering how much of her decision to stay down here was the fact that the shifter lived next door. We might tolerate each other for Raven, but I still wasn’t thrilled about sharing her. Not even with my brother.

The common room was empty and Raven seemed to relax a little at the sight. Whatever it was she wanted to tell us, she really didn’t want to get out. A little thrill went through me. Maybe her and the shifter weren’t as close as I thought. She was with us right now and not him to say whatever was weighing on her so heavily.

We paused outside her room while she unlocked the door and then we all filed inside. She was silent as she closed and locked the door behind her.

“What’s going on, Raven?” Zach asked.

She shook her head and turned to face us. “Something really weird happened in the locker room this morning.”

“Oh?” I asked, not sure if I liked where this was going.

“The lights were out and someone grabbed me,” she said.

My brow furrowed. That was not what I expected her to say. “Who?”

“I don’t know. Male voice, I think. Asked me to bring him a specific book at the library tonight but not tell anyone,” she said.