Shaking my head, I folded it back up. This was not random. Nothing about this was random. I thought I was long done with this kind of magic, but apparently, it wasn’t ever going away. I glared at the paper, hoping it would change into something else. Anything else.

“What does yours say?” Matt whispered.

“Portals,” I said. “Yours?”

Matt blinked a few times, clearly just as startled by my paper as I was. He passed his to me and I read it. My brow furrowed and I looked back up at Matt. “What isdream walking?”

“Visiting people in their dreams,” he said. “If you’re really good at it, you can control them. But I don’t think she’s going to teach me how to do it. It’s kind of an incubus thing.”

“So maybe how to kick someone out of your dream?” I asked, thinking of all the amazing dreams I’d had with Luka. I don’t think I’d ever kick him out.

“Maybe,” Matt said.

“What’s yours?” I asked, turning to Zach.

“Shifters,” Zach said, his brow furrowing.

“Shifters?” I asked, my mind going right to Ben. Why would shifters be something covered in our Spellcasting class as a real world situation?

I looked over at our new teacher who was still passing out tasks to students. Suddenly, I wasn’t so sure I liked her so much after all.