Pushing the magic back down, I looked around for somewhere to go. The dragon growled and broke into a run.

Time's up.

Running as hard as I could, I race toward the tower.

Ring the bell.

Ring the bell.

Reaching inside, I called to whatever magic I could find. The dark magic happily rose up to the challenge. I didn't care. I didn't want to be eaten. Or burned alive.

I threw the magic at the ball, urging it to ring.

Like an invisible curve ball, something hit the bell and it sounded clear and strong, ringing out through the gym.

I dove behind the bell tower, panting.

Other than the sound of the bell, the gym was silent.

I wiped the sweat off my brow then risked a glance around the tower. No dragons.

My heart was racing and my breathing was still too fast, but I was alive. For now.

"She didn't ring it herself, it's not over," Coach Miller said.

"The rules are clear, she has to ring the bell, she rang it," Professor Halifax said.

I walked toward the sound of their arguing, still breathing too fast to speak.

"She cheated. That's never been the intention of the trials. Otherwise a student could use magic to ring the bell the second they step foot in the gym," he said.

"And there's no rule that says they can't," Professor Halifax said.

"She's right," Dr. Green said. "Congratulations, Raven. You passed the practice trial."

The whole thing felt surreal. I did it? I passed? I had to admit, I sort of agreed with Coach Miller. I did feel like I cheated, but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Thanks," I breathed.

"You won't get so lucky at the real trials," Coach Miller said.

"I guess we'll see, won't we?" I asked, then I turned and walked away before he could say anything else. I probably just ensured that my next week in gym was going to be hell, but it was worth it.