My cheeks heated. Did everyone know about last night?

"Go on," she said. "You have to ring the bell on the other end. However you get there is up to you."

Taking a deep breath in through my nose, I squared my shoulders, staring out at the ladders and ramps and rock walls ahead of me. The whole room was a mess of obstacles.

However, she didn't tell me I had to use them. She just said I had to get to the bell. "Just ring the bell?"

She nodded. "That's the only rule."

It seemed too easy. Why the hell would anyone choose to climb all the obstacles if they didn't have to? Feeling like I was missing something, I walked out onto the gym floor.

A low rumbling sounded behind me and I knew the dragon was on its way. I didn't look back. I ran.

Going around the climbing wall, I ducked under a bridge just as a wall of fire hit the ground next to me.

The room smelled like burning paint and campfire. Did they clean it up after every candidate? It seemed like a lot of work to go through every year. But then again, they had magic.

The dragon swooped past my hiding spot, then landed nearby. Its claws tapped along the wood floor as it moved closer to me. In a few seconds, it would sniff me out.

I glanced behind me to find that I was in an enclosed space.Fuck. I might have been spared for a few minutes, but now I was totally screwed.

I needed a plan.

My magic seemed to respond to my being trapped here. Heat flowed through my veins, reminding me of the way I'd summoned fire in the past. But would fire be helpful against a dragon?

Thinking fast, I remembered how I'd knocked the test booklets out of Professor Hurd's hands. It wasn't enough to do damage, but it had sure given me a distraction.

Channeling air, I pulled all my magic inside and held it tight like a spring ready to explode.

The dragon stuck its large head into my hiding space and blew out a burst of air from its nostrils. It smelled like brimstone. I honestly wasn't sure what brimstone even was, but I was sure it smelled like dragon breath.

With a yell, I released the magic, sending a huge rush of wind right in the dragon's face.

The creature roared and pulled its head back. Then, it stumbled and landed on its back. It howled.

It was pissed.

Really. Really. Pissed.

But it was down.

Not waiting to see if a dragon on its back could get up quickly, I ran from my hiding spot and darted around a few more obstacles.

I could see the bell.

It was on the top of a tower that was connected to a second tower via a zipline.

There was no way up except for the zipline.Fuck. I cursed under my breath and spun around to follow the zipline.

And there was dragon number two.

This one was quiet, creeping on all fours toward me like a fucking cat. "What the hell?"

Whoever heard of a stealthy dragon.

My magic bubbled below the surface, calling to me. It wasn't the same magic I'd used before. This was darker magic. Something that was urging me to claim its power.

I'd used this magic once before when I attacked the thief. I didn't know how it worked or what it was, but I was pretty sure it was connected to my time magic. Which meant, it was off limits.