
I pacedmy room as a rush of tangled emotions flooded through me. I was stuck here, without my magic and without any way out. It was possible my magic could return on its own. It was possible it would never return. Add in the fact that the thief was still after me and when I could defend myself, I was punished for doing so.

I stopped walking and glared at the book on my desk. It had told me that if I could unlock any of my magic, it could all come back. I wished I'd shown the book to Luka. Maybe he could have found something in there that I'd missed.

I was seriously regretting telling him I wanted to be alone.

If the thief was on campus, if she'd broken into the demon dorm, I was pretty much screwed anyway. Plus, there was that whole thing about one of the school's guards letting her in. I had my doubts that the wards at the school would keep me safe.

And why the hell would she pull the fire alarm? What if she wasn't here and it was some kid with fae heritage who pulled it?

I ran a hand through my hair and worked my fingers through the tangles. None of this made sense. And I was getting frustrated.

I should be at a party right now. Making friends and trying to fit in to this place. Instead, I was pouting alone in my room.

Doing what I was supposed to do hadn't helped. Going to classes hadn't helped. I was getting tired of always doing the right thing. Besides, I was starting to think I was screwed no matter what I did. The two times I'd used magic to defend myself, I'd gotten in trouble. Now that I didn't have magic, I was defenseless. I was fucked either way.

Before I could change my mind, I ran into my giant closet and tugged one of the little black dresses off the hanger. Quickly, I changed clothes and pulled on some knee-high boots.

As soon as I shrugged on the black leather jacket all of my worries slipped away. If I was going down anyway, I might as well have some fun before I did.

I felt like a spring wound too tight. And I knew if I didn't let off some steam, I was going to snap. A party with a bunch of vampires sounded like just the right amount of debauchery to get this out of my system. Nobody expected me to leave the school. I could sneak out and sneak back in two hours. Get it out of my system and settle into my house arrest tomorrow.

Feeling confident in my decision, I left my room and quietly walked down the hall. Thankfully, the common room was empty. Everyone was probably out doing fun things. Or at dinner.

I wondered if I was going to be too early for the party but now wasn't the time to second guess that. Worst case, I'd hang out with Violet a bit then come back here.

As I walked through the halls of the school, I passed students who were on their way to various Friday night activities or heading into town. Nobody stopped to ask me where I was going. Keeping my chin up, I powered through as if I was on a mission. I'd learned over the years that you got a lot less questions if you pretended you knew exactly what you were doing.

As soon as I slipped through the main doors and the cold air greeted me, I felt liberated. I took a deep breath, the cool air sending a welcome shiver. I was out and I was free, for now. Tonight, I just wanted to be a normal student, whatever that meant.

I wanted to forget about the thief, forget about my missing magic, and forget about my past. I wanted to embrace the present and live my life without worry.

I'd never been in the vampire dorm, but I knew they had a basement entrance on the opposite end of the demon dorm. Their entrance went straight down to the basement from what I'd heard.

I slipped into the door and found myself on a dark staircase much like the one that led to my dorm in the dungeon. Like the dungeon, the hallway was lined with flickering magical torches.

Their wall was finished, beautiful brick, though. Whereas the walls on our stairs were coarse, damp rock.

I frowned at the reminder of how poorly the shifters were treated. The thought solidified the fact that I didn't want to spend time with the other mages on campus. Aside from the twins, none of them had been welcoming. Plus, there was that whole shifter whore thing that was going around.

The thought of Ben made my throat tighten. He still wasn't talking to me and when we passed in the halls or saw each other in class, he ignored me. It was like a knife to the heart every time I saw him. I kept hoping he'd get over whatever anger he had toward me with time, but it had been weeks.

If not for the distractions with Luka and the research, I'd have probably barged in on him in his room and demanded answers. It was only a matter of time at this point, though. I was feeling reckless and that streak of rebellion rising up in me felt good.

If I was facing another upcoming attack without any magic, what the hell did I have to lose? Maybe I'd go pound on his door when I left here. Or maybe I'd go right to Luka's room instead and finish what we started earlier.

For a second, my memory flashed to Luka and me in his bed. His mouth on my nipple, his fingers inside me. Then, the mental image shifted and instead of Luka, it was Ben.

My eyes widened in surprise and I shook the thought from my head. I hadn't even spoken to him in weeks, where had that come from?

The stairs ended in a long, dark hallway. Thumping bass vibrated the ground and I knew I wasn't too early for the party. Ahead, I could see colored lights dancing on the walls.

I moved toward the sights and sounds of the party and ended up in a large room that was probably their common room. Only they didn't have any couches or chairs. Instead, it was a massive open space. Other than the green and purple lights that moved along the walls, the room was as dark as a night club. And the music was just as loud.

Probably a hundred people filled the room, moving and dancing to the music. Most of the ladies were dressed like me in little black dresses. Some of them were in bras and underwear. A couple were wearing nothing at all.