There was a rhythm to the movement I'd never seen at a club or party before. Nobody seemed to be in couples. The dancing was free flowing, with people moving from partner to partner without regard for who they were dancing with. A man in cutoff jeans shorts grinded against a woman in a pink bunny onesie. A woman in a bra and underwear was chest to chest with a woman in a little black dress. A couple of men in school uniforms slow danced with their arms around each other.

As I watched, the music changed rhythm and everyone moved, finding a new partner and resumed their dance, unfazed by the change. It was freeing to see. Nobody here was worried about the details. They only wanted to dance.

"You made it!"

I looked over to see a breathless Violet in a black slip dress. A streak of red was smeared on her mouth and cheek and her fangs, which were usually retracted, were on full display.

"I made it." I gestured to her face. "Looks like you already had dinner."

Her eyes widened and she quickly retracted her fangs then wiped her face with the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

I shrugged. "It's not like I don't know what you eat."

"Well, you don't," she said. "Not really."

"What do you mean? Don't you drink blood?"

"Sure," she said. "But we're supposed to stick to the synthetic stuff from Japan or the donor bags."

I glanced around the room again as realization dawned on me. Sure enough in the back of the room, along the wall were several couches I'd missed at first glance. People were making out on them. Only, I was pretty sure they weren't actually making out. When I looked closer, I could tell they were feeding.

"They're all willing, I assure you," Violet said. "And I'm told it's actually very pleasurable. Most of them sit there and orgasm the whole time we feed."

"I'll have to take your word for it," I said, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about the amount of bare skin I'd show if I took off my jacket.

"Don't worry," she said. "You're off limits. We have a rule here. Willing only. And guests are never to be propositioned. Ever."

Before I could consider how I actually felt about the whole thing, Violet pulled my jacket off and tossed it to someone. Scarlett maybe?

The next thing I knew, I was on the dance floor with Violet, moving to the beat of the music. As soon as I started moving, my body took over, feeling the music on instinct.

"Have fun," Violet said just as the music changed.

Without thinking, I moved until I was facing a new partner. I didn't even realize I'd turned to someone else. It was as if the music was driving my movements.

A tall, thin blonde vampire wrapped his arms around my waist and the two of us danced together as if we had been a couple for years. We anticipated the other's move, dancing in time as if we'd rehearsed the steps. I laughed. "This is wild."

"First time?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "How does it do this?"

"It's the music," he said. "Siren magic. They might be crazy creatures, but they sure know how to make a killer playlist."

Just then, the music shifted again, and I turned to my next partner.

Luka smiled at me. "Wanna dance?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I thought you didn't do vampire parties?"

He shrugged. "I want to be where you are."

How could I resist that? I took his hands. "How about we get out of here and finish where we left off?"

He grinned. "I like that even better."