
Raven never came to lunch.I tried to laugh with her friends and pretend it wasn't bothering me, but since her time in the hospital she'd been like clockwork. She attended all her classes, she did her homework, she studied in the library with me, she joined her friends for lunch. Even her weekends were boring. She was a model student. The only thing she lacked was her ability to use magic.

Frowning, I glanced toward the door again.

"She's a big girl," Makayla said.

"I know," I said. "It's just not like her."

"Maybe she got called in to her parole meeting?" Makayla suggested.

"She went a few days ago," I said. "She only has to go once a week."

"Maybe she wasn't hungry," she said.

"Maybe." I knew something was going on, but I didn't know what it was. But I wasn't too worried. Despite her lack of magic, I could still feel her through our bond. I was certain of it now. The two of us shared that bond. I knew when she was anxious or scared. Right now, I didn't feel any of that.

I blew out a frustrated breath. Even knowing she was probably safe, it was still difficult to be away from her. Especially since we hadn't consummated our bond. It was painful to be so close to her all the time without touching her. Without being inside her. But it was more painful to be away from her. And with a bond between the two of us, it was only a matter of when. So, I waited. Each day, I felt my magic dwindle, but I waited. She was going to come to me sooner rather than later. And when she did, it would be worth the wait, that much I knew.

Quickly, I finished my last bite of food and picked up my tray. "See you guys later."

Makayla and the other shifters waved as I walked away from their table. It was an odd thing to sit at a table with a bunch of shifters. Some of the other demons had given me strange looks the first few days but now they didn't even glance my way. Unlike the shifters, we didn't really care what the others were doing. There was no pack for demons. We had families, sure, but mine wasn't here and mine wasn't the kind of family you crossed.

The others here knew I liked to be alone. I wasn't a people person unless I was fucking said person. So my sitting with a group of shifters was so far out of the norm for me, I was sure it raised some questions. But you didn't mess with my family. In the other realm, my mother was one of the few people who could determine your whole fate with the stroke of her pen. Sometimes I hated the power she held, the power she'd pass to me if I wanted it. Other days, like today, I didn't mind too much. At least it kept my classmates at a distance.

Though I had to admit, I wasn't looking forward to seeing her in a few weeks at parent's day. She was bound to catch the weakness of my magic. I wasn't even sure how much longer I could go before I'd be struggling in classes.

I picked up the pace as I headed toward the locker room. I wanted to wait for Raven, and I knew she was worth the wait, but I might have to start thinking of another way to recharge.

The thought made my stomach twist into uncomfortable knots. It literally made me sick to think of fucking someone else. My pull to Raven was so great, it had to be her. How was that for a sick twist of fate? As an incubus, sex was never personal. Now, that was all I wanted.

I was going to need a very cold shower after gym.

Thankfully, Raven was already stretching with the other girls in the class when I got into the gymnasium. I waved to her, hoping she'd notice me.

She waved back.

I jogged over to her. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just got stuck reading one of those books," she said.

Her answer surprised me, but she seemed fine.

"Hey, demon, you want to run laps till dinner?" Coach Miller called.

I rolled my eyes. "See you later, Raven."

One of these days, I'd love to see someone stand up to him but I wasn't willing to risk confinement again.