Soon, whatever it was that was making me say no despite my body's desires, would cave. And I had a feeling the wait would be worth it.

Quickly, I used my key card to get into my room and pushed open the door. I flipped on the light switch and caught a glimpse of a book sitting on the middle of my floor. Brow furrowed, I walked around it and set my backpack and the book I was carrying on the bed.

I swore I hadn't left anything on the floor when I left. Bending down, I picked up the book. My fingers left marks on the thick layer of dust. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years. Careful not to move the dust around, I looked at both sides of the book. It appeared that either I was the only one to handle it or I had touched it in the same exact place as whoever had brought it into my room.

I knew it wasn't my book. I'd have remembered if I had a book like this. The binding was dark brown leather, cracked in places from age. Gold trim bordered the cover and two words were printed on the cover. I squinted at them, unsure if I was seeing what I wanted to see or what it actually said.

Carefully, I carried the book to my desk and set it down. Using a tissue, I wiped the cover to reveal the title. It really did say what I hoped it said. The words seemed to call to me.Broken Magic.I had no idea how this book got here, but if it was about broken magic, I was grateful that it was here.

Carefully, I opened the cover. It cracked as I lifted it and I winced at the sound, hoping I wasn't damaging the ancient text. The interior looked surprisingly new compared to the worn cover, but I'd learned to stop questioning things too much. After all, we were in a school filled with magic.

Turning past the cover pages and the title page, I skimmed through the table of contents. A chill ran down my spine as I traced my fingers down the list. It was everything I needed. Chapters on how to repair broken magic and chapters on how to heal the body and mind. It even had several chapters on surviving and coping with a thief attack.

I glanced back to my closed door as if whoever had left this here would show up and tell me how they'd gotten into my room and how they'd found this book. Why wasn't this in the library? Or maybe it was and I looked in the wrong place?

This book could be the key to getting my magic back. I glanced at the clock on my wall and noted that I only had a short time until class. It was either reading now or lunch.

Making a choice, I took a seat at my desk and started to read. My pulse raced as I turned the pages. I'd been wondering about my lost magic and finally, maybe I had some answers.

Flipping ahead, I stopped on a chapter titledStolen Magic. I skimmed the lines, looking for anything mentioning a Thief. Frowning, I kept skimming, not finding what I was hoping for.

Then, something caught my eye. I read the paragraph four times, getting more hopeful with each read. According to the book, I didn't need all my magic to come back, I just needed a piece of it. Any piece of it. If any kind of magic was able to be ignited inside me, it would unlock the rest of the missing magic.

Last time I needed to access my magic, I'd had some help from two other mages. We'd joined hands and they'd sent magic through me. Surely, if we did the same thing we had a chance of turning it back on, right? Was that part of what Professor Halifax had been talking about?

Quickly, I closed the book and grabbed my backpack. The twins were supposed to be back soon, but I didn't have classes with them till tomorrow. Hopefully they'd be there when I got to class. For now, I'd have to deal with gym and the rest of my afternoon. It wasn't much, but there was hope.