“Because you’re my son, and I know you better than you know yourself. The first thing you told me was that you liked her. I can’t tell you the last time I heard you say you liked a woman. You usually say things like; were going to see where it goes, or we’re chilling, whatever that means. But, with Jax, you told me you really liked her before you even told me her name.”
I hadn’t realized what I’d done until my mom had pointed it out.
“I’m interested in getting to know her better, but, she is a tough one. She doesn’t care about my status, wants nothing to do with the spotlight, and isn’t afraid to speak her mind.”
Her low chuckle sounded.
“Sounds like my kind of girl. I’m eager to meet her. If you’re truly interested in getting to know her son, you have to learn how to humble yourself and show her your intentions are more than physical.”
At her words, I realized in this early stage, that I wanted my mother to meet Jax. The realization floored me, but it didn’t stop my smile from surfacing.
“I know your meeting up with your friends, so call me later. I want to hear more about Jax. It’s not every day my son meets a woman he actually wants to talk about.”
This time it was me who chuckled.
“Okay. I’ll call you later, about seven or eight your time. Love you mom.”
“Love you too son. Take care.”
Paul opened my door, I exited the vehicle, and presented my practiced smile as the cameras flashed.
Landon and Ethan, my longtime friends would offer me the opposite of the advice my mother had given about Jax. Good thing I wasn’t ready to mention Jax to them yet, because I was more concerned about figuring out how to get her back in my good graces.