Istepped to the opposite side of the table so that the man could see what I was doing. I picked up the large beaker I’d asked JG to find up for me. The thin glass jar was the size of one of those five-gallon jugs the waterman delivered.
Untying the sack, I reached in with caution and removed the black snake. It wasn’t a large snake, a two-footer, just big enough to do the job.
At the sight of the snake, the man started to scream his head off, his screeches peeling the paint off the walls.
“Man, don’t do this shit. I don’t know who hired me. I’m telling the fucking truth!”
I tipped the beaker a little and let the snake wiggle and hiss and work up his agitation before I slipped him inside. With a dropper firm in my grip, I squeezed and released until it was filled with the liquid. Rob and JG glanced at each other before they returned their attention to me. By now they knew or had an idea of what I was about to do to this man.
“Rat musk,” I stated while using the dropper to drop the liquid on the man’s stiff dick. I’d tortured many men, but I’d never heard one scream as much as this one. I tipped the short-neck of the beaker over with the snake inside and slipped it over the man’s dick. The man flapped around in the chair like a fish out of water.
The chair bucked under him, making loud grunts against the cement floor. The snake had fallen from the bottom of the beaker and landed on the man’s dick as his head climbed up the jar searching for a way out. The two small holes I’d asked JG to cut into the bottom would allow the snake breathable air, so this process could be a short one or long one. It didn’t matter to me either way. It wasn’t my dick in jeopardy.
The man screamed, his eyes bulging from his skull at the atrocious shit I was doing. The snake had wrapped his tail around the base of the man’s dick as I pressed hard to keep the beaker in place against the man’s bucking body.
JG and Rob shook their heads as they gawked at the horrible sight. With the high-pitched screaming going on, I raised my voice to ask my questions.
“Who do you work for?”
“I don’t know! I don’t know! I told you all I know.”
“Do you work for the Dominquez family?”
“I don’t know who that is. I don’t know the man that hired me.”
“So, let me get this straight. You expect me to believe you were hired by a fucking ghost to steal a whole woman, a human being? One that you put in a chokehold? One that had the muzzle of your gun pressed against her temple?” I was so amped up, lightning strikes flashed in my stormy gaze. “Where were you asked to take the woman to?”
“I hadn’t gotten the instructions yet. After I got her, I was supposed to get a call telling me where to drop her off.” The rattling of his body as it knocked against the chair livened up my garage. “Oh! Shiiiiiit! Get that thing off my dick, man! Get it off! Pleeease!”
The snake reared back, and its tongue flicked like it was about to strike at its prey. The man bucked so hard that when the snake lunged to strike at his dick, it missed and hit the side of the beaker. The snake wasn’t a poisonous one, but like the man, I wouldn’t have cared for him being anywhere near my dick. The man’s struggle had been so forceful that he’d almost knocked the beaker from my hand.
Rob stepped up and placed pressure on the man’s shoulder as the snake reared back once more, agitated by all the shaking and moving.
Tears seeped from the sobbing man’s eyes, and spittle flew from his mouth as he yelled and pleaded.
“Where are you and your friends staying? How many of you are there?” I questioned, noticing that the snake was preparing to strike again.
“The Bunswick Hotel! On 55th and Lincoln. There are four of us!” The man sobbed through quivering lips. He switched back to shrieking yells when the snake moved.
“Get it off me, man!”
This time, when the snake aimed and shot its head at the man’s head, it didn’t miss. The man sang like a pig that had been stuck in quicksand. His eyes were as big as silver dollars.
“Get it off! Get it off! Oh God in heaven help me!”
The man bucked and jumped, but it wasn’t enough to shake the snake loose from its target. When the snake opened its mouth wider and slipped the tip of the man’s dick further in his mouth, the action shocked even me.
“Unless you tell me what I need to know, your dick will be swallowed. And I don’t believe the one doing the swallowing gives a whole lot of fucks if you get off or not.”
I was met with a series of unintelligible screams and more bucking before the man started spilling his guts.
“I don’t work for the Dominquez family. Ooooo! Fuuuuck! I never met the man that hired me. I got the assignment and half the money up front. If the lady has anything to do with the Dominquez cartel, they are not going to stop until they get her back and kill everyone that comes in contact with her. Even me. Now, please! Get it off! Get it off! Get that thing off my dick!”
With his dick being swallowed by a snake, the man swore with everything he had that he spoke the truth. Given his situation, I started to believe him.