Page 50 of Twisted Obsession

I continued to let the snake have at his dick as I fired off question after question until he started talking crazy and saying shit that didn’t make logical sense. I think I may have taken him past the point of his mental tolerance. He’d still not confessed to working for or even knowing the Dominquez family. All he claimed to know about the family was what he’d seen in the media or read about.

“I’m telling you the truth,” the words bubbled from the man’s raw throat. His jumbled words and erratic bouts of laughter had him sounding delirious as drool oozed from his mouth and dripped onto his chest.

He was done. There wasn’t much else I could do to him to make him talk. Most of his dick had been swallowed, and his mind had been fried from the pain and from witnessing the slow destruction of his member. You can fuck up multiple parts of a man, chop off a few fingers, even hack off a limb, but mess with a man’s dick and he’ll tell you anything you want to know.

I believed that this man was telling me the truth. Whoever had hired him had been playing it smart. He’d hired this dumb bastard without a face-to-face introduction. It could well have been a member of the Dominguez family who’d hired him, but I needed to dig deeper to figure this out. Someone was out there plotting to take Regina, and I wasn’t altogether sure it was her family, based on this man’s information.

I’d put in a call to D so that he could get a snapshot of the man’s face before I killed him. Although the man had given me his identity, D would still run his face through facial recognition to confirm it. He would also dig around in the man’s background to connect dots.

It was worth a shot, but I didn’t think the man’s identity would help us, especially if he worked for a ghost. We needed the man’s partners. According to the last update, the guy outside the restaurant had eluded the cops, and the slippery fucker had also lost Marcus and Scott.

Right now, I needed someone else to torture and prayed the location we’d extracted from Mr. Swallowed Dick would lead to my next victim.

The incessant crying and unintelligible yapping of half-dick was grating on my last unraveling nerve. Usually, the anticipation of a fresh kill would ease my tension. Not so much this time.

I reached behind my back and drew my pistol.

As soon as the man lifted his teary-eyed gaze and it met mine, I squeezed the trigger. A small portion of his brains splattered the wall behind him, and more fluids and matter leaked from his head and dripped onto the chair. Globs of blood and brain matter oozed between the cracks of the wood and splattered to the floor. His open, dead eyes appeared relieved I’d put him out of his misery.

“Why did you kill him?” JG asked, with curiosity but not a hint of concern in his tone.

“He doesn’t know who he works for. Whoever sent him is hiring guns without providing an identity. This bastard didn’t have a clue that Regina was a Dominguez. The one or ones hunting her are being smart about it. If it is her family, they are avoiding making the same mistakes as the ones before them did.”

I’d executed a member of someone’s team who’d been tasked to take Regina. The mystery surrounding who the man or group was had not been solved. However, if there was one thing I was sure of, more were coming, and more were going to die.

JG took over the duty of separating the snake from the man. He made the task simple by taking a large pair of scissors that resembled garden shears and severed the portion of the man’s dick below the snake’s mouth.

I took out my phone and checked on Regina who was sitting up in her bed at one in the morning with a book in her hand. The woman didn’t sleep for shit and sooner or later, she and I would have a talk to figure out why. I clicked off my phone and shoved it down my back pocket.

* * *

At 3:30 a.m.,I eased up the stairs to Regina’s room, listening for any sound. If she were up, she’d be reading or studying a medical book.

I cracked her door open and peeked in, finding her asleep atop her covers, fully clothed. The light from her book reader highlighted her beautiful face, half of which was planted in the pillow as she slept on her stomach. She wore one of my T-shirts and a pair of my shorts. Her wearing my clothes was sexy and had me ready to throw away the rest of her wardrobe.

I’d enjoy nothing more than to wake her and drag her down to my playroom. However, I relied on discipline to keep me from fucking her every time I came in contact with her. She needed time to get used of my size and the way I liked to fuck. Her pussy had been so tight that if she’d claimed to be a virgin, I would have believed her. Therefore, I was biding my time until she recovered so I could fuck her like I intended to. I wanted her screaming for me to go on, not stop.

Some of the shit she’d revealed in some of her rambling talking sessions didn’t make sense. How could a woman that looked like Regina not be getting any sex? What in the fuck was wrong with men? Were their dicks on life-support? Were their eyes clouded by a haze of dumb fuckery?

My buzzing phone drifted through the third different way I was fucking Regina in my head. I eased her door back closed.

“Marcus,” I answered when I was far enough away from her door.

“We found the driver of the SUV. I called D. He did some CCTV and some kind of GPS tech shit that he does. I don’t know how he does that shit, but we got him. We brought him here because we know you just left the hills. Come down to the basement.”

I hopped on the elevator and headed towards the basement. Marcus met me when I stepped off the elevator. Having the building owner as a member of my club gave me access to areas of the building that were unknown to most.

It was time to go back to work. Time to find out who the hell had the nerve to watch us and the balls to think they could take Regina. I’d find out what was inside this man’s brains, and I wasn’t opposed to cracking his head open and pulling the information out myself.