Page 68 of In His Protection


They were here, all three of them. She could feel it in her bones.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Tristan walked into Skye’s office at five. She usually left around six, but he didn’t want to risk missing her if she decided to leave early. His dog would protect her with his life, but Fuzz didn’t carry a gun. He did. He’d thankfully never had to end a life because of his job, but he wouldn’t hesitate to do so to protect his girl. She probably wouldn’t appreciate his thinking of her as his girl, but that was what she was in the same way he was her guy. She just wasn’t ready to admit that yet.

The plan was to take her straight to the Kitchen for dinner. The reason he wanted to go from here to dinner was that she’d have her uniform on, and he could convince her that it wouldn’t look like a date. Although it was definitely a date. He chuckled. He was dating her without her knowing it.

He poked his head around her office doorway. “Sheriff.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here for you.” He walked to her desk and perched on the edge. He glanced around. “Where’s Fuzz?”

“Johnny took him for a walk out back. Why are you here for me?”

“To give you a ride home after we stop at the Kitchen for dinner.” Wait for it...

She scowled. “My cruiser is fully capable of getting me to your house. And since when are we going out to dinner? That’s not a good idea.”

“Remember the part about not going anywhere alone? That includes to and from work. And since when is food not a good idea?” He probably shouldn’t tell her that scowl and the fire in her eyes had him wondering how fast he could get her home and in his bed.

“I need my car to get to work in the morning.”

“Negative. I’ll bring you to work.”


“Skye.” He laughed when she threw a pen at him. “Look, there are two dangerous men possibly here wanting something they think you have. It worries—”

“Three. Possibly.”


“My former boss called this afternoon. Danny suddenly put in for emergency leave yesterday, and now he’s nowhere to be found.”

That was not news he wanted to hear. “He’s involved in this up to his eyeballs, and he’s probably headed this way, if not here already.”

“I know.”

“Then you understand why you can’t be alone.” Even if she didn’t, too bad.

“I hate this so much. I came here to put Danny and his lies behind me. Why can’t he leave me alone?”

“Because he’s scum and doesn’t care who he hurts.” Fuzz ran in, coming straight to him. “You miss me, boy?” His dog had never been one to jump on people, but he could sure wag his tail like no one’s business.

“Mission accomplished. Fuzz was a good boy and did his thing,” Johnny said, following behind Fuzz. “Oh, hi, Chief.”

“Johnny. How goes it?”

“Good. Well, except that there are people messing with our sheriff. We’re not liking that much.”

“Me either. These men are some very bad actors, so keep your eyes open.”

“Yes, sir. And I’ll stick to the sheriff like glue whenever she has to leave the building.”

“Good, and if she tries to sneak out on you, tackle her.” He was only half kidding.