Page 69 of In His Protection

“Hey, I’m right here, guys.”

“Sorry,” Johnny said. “Well, now that the chief’s here, I’ll call it a day.” He was halfway to the door when he stopped. “Should I pick you up in the morning, Sheriff?” He scratched his head. “Where are you staying, anyway?”

“I got it covered,” Tristan said, saving her from having to tell her deputy where she was spending her nights.

“Oh, okay. Well then, see you in the morning.”

Tristan was smiling as he turned to Skye. “He’s a good man.” He stood. “Ready to go?” At hearing the word go, Fuzz grabbed his toy and raced to the door.

She rolled her eyes. “Never let it be said that I kept Fuzz waiting.”

At least she hadn’t put up too much of a fuss about him showing up and organizing her life. He’d decided not to mention that to make sure she returned safely, he’d followed her back to the sheriff’s department this morning when she’d left with Fuzz.

When they walked outside, a young man Tristan recognized got out of a car. Ray Latimer was a junior attorney at Hines, Jericho, and Mahoney. He stopped in front of them and handed Skye a white envelope. “You’ve been served, Sheriff.” He darted a glance at Tristan, then quickly returned to his car and left.

“What now?” She pulled sheets of paper from the envelope. “You’ve got to be kidding me. If I had a spaceship, I’d put all the men in it and send it to the moon. No, the moon’s too close. A black hole would work.” She thrust the papers at him, then stomped to his car.

He scanned the top sheet. Damn Mason. The man was suing her, the sheriff’s department, and the town of Marsville for age discrimination. Tristan hit the remote to unlock the car so she could get in. Normally, he’d open the door for her, despite the scowls that got him because she was perfectly capable of opening her own doors, but he wasn’t getting anywhere near her right now. He was a man, guilty by default.

“In you go,” he told Fuzz after opening the rear door. When he slid into his seat, he dared to reach over and put his hand on her balled-up fist. “I know you were smart enough to document all the problems you had with Mason, so he’s whistling in the wind.”

“What does that even mean?”

Although annoyance was in her voice, her fist opened, and her fingers curled around his. He considered that a win. “It means he doesn’t have a chance to win this lawsuit. It means he’s a fool.”

“Well, bless his heart.”

He laughed so hard that Fuzz stuck his muzzle between the seats and licked his face.

“I’m also learning to say y’all.” She peered at him and grinned.

How was he supposed to not love this woman?

“Told you it was no big deal.” They left the Kitchen with a go box, a slice of chocolate cake for him and red velvet for her. No one had blinked an eye at seeing them having dinner together. Probably because they were still in their uniforms, but he didn’t mention that.

Outside, he groaned at seeing Miss Mabel parking her turquoise Cadillac next to his SUV. He cringed when she almost hit his bumper.

“I say we make a run for it,” Skye muttered.

Without thinking, he grabbed her hand. “This way.” Fuzz, recognizing Miss Mabel’s car, shot ahead of them. They fast walked down the sidewalk, laughing like kids. At the end of the block, Fuzz stopped and glanced back. Satisfied Miss Mabel wasn’t chasing after them, he sat and waited for them to catch up.

Skye checked behind them, too. “He really doesn’t like her, does he?”

“It’s not so much that he doesn’t like her, but that she scares the daylights out of him.”


“Two scaredy cats, both of you. Her bark is worse than her bite.”

“Easy for you to say. She likes you.”

“What’s not to like?”

“Arrogant much? Hey, you can’t be holding my hand in public.” She jerked hers away.

He’d wondered how long it would take her to realize they were still holding hands. “No one cares but you, Sheriff.” She didn’t say anything, and he didn’t push the issue. “It’s safe to go back now. Miss Mabel went inside the Kitchen.”

As they walked to his car, he sensed they were being watched. He scanned the area around them and spotted Mason on the other side of the street. After giving them a smirk, he walked away. Trouble was brewing with that one.