Page 41 of In His Protection

“I’d like a glass of Pinot Grigio,” Skye said.

“Same for me.” He’d prefer a beer, but this was a fancy place, so he’d try to be fancy.

“Our chef is offering two specials tonight. A roasted duck with a tangy chili and orange marmalade glaze, and a prime rib roasted and then blackened on a cast iron skillet. Both are superb. I’ll get your drinks while you peruse the menu.”

Skye pushed her menu to the edge of the table. “You’ve sold me on the duck.”

“And I’ll have the prime rib, medium rare.” He handed the waiter his menu. “I...” His gaze caught on the man sitting at the bar. What the hell was he doing here?

“You what?”

“I’ve never tried duck. You’ll have to give me a bite of yours.”

The waiter returned with their drinks, and while Skye’s attention was diverted, Tristan subtly eyed Mason. As far as Tristan could tell, he was alone. Was it a coincidence that Mason was here, or had he followed them?

Mason wasn’t looking at them, so did he know they were here? Even if it was a coincidence, Tristan wasn’t happy to see the man here. If Skye saw him, it would ruin their night. She was already edgy about anyone seeing them out together.

Thanks for that, Pretty Boy. He wanted to hunt the shithead down and stuff his balls down his throat for hurting her. Because of what her ex had put her through, Tristan didn’t blame her for being cautious, but he wasn’t her ex. He got that she had no way of knowing that, the reason he’d agreed to her ridiculous conditions.

He glanced at the bar again. Mason still hadn’t looked their way. What was his game, if he was actually playing one? One reason Tristan had decided on the lake resort for dinner was because it was unlikely anyone from Marsville would be here. He held a mini debate with himself. Tell her Mason was here? Don’t tell her? He didn’t want their night ruined, so he decided to let it play out. Hopefully, Mason was only here to have a drink and would leave soon without Skye seeing him.

Was this where he’d come for a drink, though? The answer was no. Since he was single, he could be meeting a date. But Tristan had to consider that Mason had indeed followed them, and if so, that was concerning. He would be keeping an eye on the ex-deputy. A real close eye.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“Dinner was amazing,” Skye said as they drove back to Marsville.

“Then we’ll go back soon.”

He spoke as if they had more dates in their future. She let his comment go for now. They were a few blocks from her apartment when Tristan’s phone chimed. His cell was in the cup holder, and Skye saw Parker’s name on the screen.

“Answer that for me,” he said. “Tell Parker I’m driving.”

“I’ll put it on speaker.” That done, she said, “Hi, Parker. Tristan’s driving, but I have you on speaker.”

“Hi, Skylar. I was actually calling about you. I’m sorry to say I have some bad news. There’s a fire at your apartment.”

“What?” They turned the corner to her street, and she gasped at seeing two fire trucks and several police cars, their blue lights lit.

“We’re pulling up now,” Tristan told his brother.

“Okay, I’ll come talk to you.”

“My apartment,” she breathed as Tristan came to a stop. Fire hoses snaked across the lawn and all the windows she could see were busted. The complex wasn’t big, only eight single story apartments. It looked like the fire was contained to her place, thank God.

Tristan reached for her hand. “I’m sorry, Skye. Not the way I wanted your night to end.”

“Maybe it was just a minor fire.” Had she left something on, her curling iron, the stove?

“Here comes Parker. Let’s hear what he has to say.”

She was shell-shocked, and when he got out of the car, she stayed frozen in her seat. The passenger door opened, and he leaned in and held out his hand. “Let’s go to work, Sheriff.”

It was the perfect thing for him to say, a reminder that she was the sheriff and that she did have a job to do. She put her hand in his and stepped out of the car. They met Parker at the front of Tristan’s car.

“How bad is it? What about my neighbors? Are they all okay?” Please say it was just a minor fire.

“I’m sorry, Skylar. Your apartment is a total loss.”