Page 40 of In His Protection

“Are we going to the resort?”

“We are. Have you ever been?” He’d taken dates to the resort’s restaurant a few times. It was pricey but the food was excellent, a place to impress a girl. Well, most girls. Skye would probably be just as happy with a burger at the Kitchen. He liked that about her, but he wanted to make tonight special.

“No, I haven’t. Is it good?”

“Skye.” He tsked. “Would I take you someplace that had crappy food?”

“Okay, silly question.”

He stopped at the valet stand, one of the valets opened her door and the other came around to his side. He handed the kid his key.

“Cool car, man.”

“It is. No drag racing.”

The kid laughed. “You’re no fun.”

“True, but I am clever and humble, or so my date says.” He grinned when Skye rolled her eyes.

The car that had been behind them had turned into the public parking lot, and since he couldn’t think of a reason anyone would be following them, he decided it wasn’t anything to worry about.

He rounded his car, stepped next to Skye, and put his hand on her lower back. When she didn’t slap him silly for touching her, he considered it a win. “How much you want to bet he won’t be able to resist taking Marilyn for a spin?”

“Marilyn?” She lifted her gaze to his. “You named your car Marilyn?”

“Well, she does have sexy curves like Miss Monroe.” He hadn’t named his car, but he liked getting those eye rolls that said he was ridiculous. Until recently, she’d always been so serious, especially around him. He thought he was finally seeing glimpses of the real Skylar Morgan. That there were cracks in those thick walls she’d built around herself. She wasn’t ready to admit it yet, but she needed his silliness and his practical jokes.

“Beautiful view,” she said after the hostess seated them.

“Sure is.” Although he was looking at her when he said that. He’d requested a table by the window when he’d made the reservation, and the setting sun had turned the sky pink. The lake water was calm, and the sun’s reflection danced like glittering diamonds on the surface.

“I’d love to come spend a day or two here and just vegetate. I probably wouldn’t leave the room’s balcony except to eat.”

“We should do that.”

Her eyes widened. “We?”

“Someday.” When he could convince her they didn’t have to hide their relationship. “What do you do for fun?”


He raised his brows at the blank look on her face. “Okay, let me rephrase that. What do you do when you’re not working?”


“Skye, Skye, Skye. You are in serious need of an intervention.” He grinned. “And I’m just the man to do it.” He knew she had fun in her. She’d spaceshipped his car and that had been hilarious.

“I go fishing.” She beamed as if she’d aced a test.

“Boring. When’s your next day off?”


“Because I’m going to give you a fun day.”

“I don’t—”

Their waiter appeared. “Good evening. I’m Stan. What can I get you to drink?”