“God yes,” she urged. “It’s the worst there. How’d you know that?”

“Because it’s my job to anticipate your needs, Janice. I can see that area is going to need extra-special care.”

Janice touched her hand to her chest. “Oh. I like the sound of that.”

Even though Rayne had just scrubbed his hands in the locker room, he went to the sink at the counter and quickly did it again to make sure his client saw it. “I read on your intake form that you have carpal tunnel in both wrists. Do you have any other areas that are sensitive? Any muscle groups you want me to target or areas you don’t want touched?”

Vanessa did more writing.

Janice glanced upward while she thought about it, then said, “No, not that I can think of. But I will tell you that I was late because I almost canceled. I have a terrible headache from this looming work deadline, and my boss was a complete dick today.”

Vanessa was staring wide-eyed at the client, but Rayne kept his face neutral and understanding, not interrupting her. If she needed to rant, he’d let her.

“I’m a courtroom clerk, so work is always hectic, but lately, my jerk of a boss has me on depositions only, knowing about my wrists. He just doesn’t care…” Janice stopped and shook her head as if she couldn’t believe she’d rambled all that. “I’m so sorry. I—”

“Don’t apologize, Janice.” Rayne’s voice was almost a whisper. “Your feelings are valid, and I know what a literal pain in the neck feels like too.”

Janice looked relieved as she chuckled at Rayne’s double meaning.

“Ahh, look at that smile.” He winked, laying it on thick. “I’m gonna see if I can keep it there, at least for the next hour, okay?”

“Thank you. I need that,” Janice agreed.

“Let’s leave all of that stress outside for now and stay present right here, right now with me,” Rayne coached in an easy tone. “I want you to take a couple deep breaths with me, inhaling fully, then releasing on a long exhalation. Even feel free to sigh if you like.”

After Rayne helped her slow her breathing, he felt she was ready to be relaxed. He stepped out of the room so she could remove her robe and get underneath the sheets. When he returned, she was facedown like he’d asked, and he started slowly by letting her get familiar with his hands and his touch.

“Janice, if my pressure is too light or too firm, just let me know,” he said, making sure she knew where he was at all times. He took a couple of hot stones out of the heater and used them to warm his hands before he oiled them. Vanessa was writing a mile a minute because Rayne was showcasing every skill he had, even pulling out some techniques from his yoga and mindfulness studies.

Fifty minutes went by in no time. Rayne didn’t do much talking; he let his hands do that instead, preferring the client have peace and quiet when massaged, not being annoyed by a chatty Chad. However, Janice had been quite vocal on how much she was enjoying his soft but strong hands, and her groans had gotten comically loud when he’d incorporated a bit of Thai technique to massage her inflamed wrists. By the time he was done, he’d worked out every knot from her neck and shoulders down to her glutes and thighs.

Her session was almost over, and Rayne pulled out his signature move. “Janice, you mentioned having a headache earlier. Do you mind if I massage your scalp?”

“I’ve never had my scalp rubbed, but sure, I’ll try it. Though I have to admit, I don’t have a headache anymore.” Janice sounded as if she’d just woken from a deep sleep.

Rayne went to the sink to wash the oil off his hands. “That’s good to hear. Means that I did my job. But if you’ll trust me, I want to make sure that headache stays gone.”

“Yes, I fully trust you, Rayne,” she whispered, and the spa manager had to place her hand over her mouth to mute her snicker.

Rayne warmed his hands again, then carefully let down her ponytail and slid his fingers into her hair, applying just enough pressure to her scalp to stimulate blood flow.

“Oh. My. God,” she gasped as Rayne began to move the pads of his fingers in slow, circular motions.

He gave her an extra five minutes before he told her that their session had concluded and he would meet her back in the front. Vanessa gave him an encouraging pat on his shoulder when he came out, but she was still documenting something on her paper, which meant he was still being monitored.

He went to the beverage cart in the lobby and poured his client a glass of cucumber water and waited for her to come out.

Janice seemed to float on air when she walked through the door, dreamily gazing at Rayne when he gave her the glass. “Wow. Thank you so much. I can’t believe that was free. It was one of the best massages I’ve ever had.”

Beth and Tiffany were all ears and bright grins while they listened to Janice go on and on about Rayne’s magical hands. He took it all in stride, not even blushing. He was used to being praised for making others feel good. But this time, he was doing it because he wanted to, not because he needed to. He’d stopped using his talents for bad and decided to parlay it into a reputable career.

“Beth, I thought I took out enough cash for the tip, but I didn’t. Can I put it on my card, please?” Janice asked.

“Of course, Ms. Duncan. I can charge the one you have on file.”

“Charge two hundred, please.”

Everyone’s mouth dropped open, including Rayne’s. Had she really enjoyed it that much? “Thank you so much.” Rayne put his palms together in gratitude.

“You earned it, my dear. I should be thanking you.” Janice turned to Tiffany, who was in charge of scheduling. “I’d like to make another appointment with Rayne for the end of the week.”

The manager laughed, and Tiffany and Beth were quick to join in, smiling brighter than he was. He supposed they were glad he wasn’t just a smooth-talking guy with a handsome face that could dress his ass off. He had actual skills and the ability to do this job well.

“He’s not employed with us, Janice.”

“Well, why not? When will he be?” she asked, sounding outraged.

“That’s a good question.” Rayne winked, and Vanessa waved off his charm.

“He’s only here for a few weeks to complete his practicals, Janice.” Vanessa narrowed her eyes in Rayne’s direction and tapped her pen against her chin. “But something tells me I better snatch him up before another spa does.”