Chapter Thirty-nine


Mike sat parked out front of the Cavalier Spa, waiting for Rayne to come out. He’d seen his text when he’d finished unloading the trucks back at the shop, and although he was exhausted, he decided he’d pick Rayne up instead of making him spend an hour on the bus.

Rayne didn’t notice him there when he walked out the door and headed toward the bus stop. Mike tapped his horn to get his attention. And damn was he glad he did—Rayne’s surprised expression was beautiful, rare, and especially for him. He got in the truck, looking and smelling like citrus and lavender, and Mike’s dick took interest.

“Hey. You didn’t have to come all the way down here to get me. I could’ve ridden the bus.” Rayne leaned over the center console, and Mike made him come all the way to him to get what he wanted. He moaned sensually against his mouth, and Mike’s cock jerked like a teenager’s. Rayne pulled away with a satisfied smirk. “But I’m glad you did.”

Mike turned out of the parking lot and headed in the direction of the interstate.

Rayne rubbed his hand over his thigh, and Mike felt the heat of his palm through his thin sweats. “How was your day?”

Mike didn’t know if he’d ever get used to anyone asking him that. He frowned as he answered, “It was a shitty day, to be honest. I had two guys that didn’t show up this morning. Manny was an annoying piece of shit all day, and my order of boxwood shrubs for a huge property didn’t arrive at all.”

Rayne caressed him harder. “I’m sorry. That does sound shitty. How about I make us some dinner when I get home? Something quick.”

Mike shook his head. “That’s okay. I’m not hungry. I ordered food after I showered.”

“Oh. Okay then.”

“I ordered you some too.”

“Some what?” Rayne asked cautiously.

“I had ribs, but I ordered you their fish of the day. Uh, rainbow trout, I think.” Mike glanced at Rayne. “Do you like that kind of fish?”

Rayne smiled, though it looked sad. “I like most fish. Thank you.”

Mike was too exhausted to figure out why Rayne looked so disappointed. He hoped it wasn’t about him ordering in. Why would he expect Rayne to come home and cook after working two jobs today? Rayne wasn’t there to be his personal chef or to wait on him hand and foot. That was the last thing Mike wanted.

Rayne perked up a bit. “Do you wanna sit in the backyard and talk for a little while, or what is it you usually do to unwind after a hard day?”

Mike scrubbed his hand over his scruffy jaw. “Um. Usually, I just chill on the couch and watch whatever sports are on, or I go for a ride on my bike.”

Rayne smiled. “Okay. Let’s go for a ride.”

“I’m really beat, Rayne. My body is fuckin’ killin’ me from all the extra hauling I had to do. I might go out riding at the end of the week or something.” Mike hated to sound like an old man. But if Rayne only knew how many wheelbarrow loads of garden rocks he had to haul around a large building, he’d be insisting Mike do nothing but take some ibuprofen and lie on a heating pad until he fell asleep, because he had to wake and do it all over again in a few hours.


The moment Rayne got in the truck and pressed his lips to Mike’s, he knew something was off. There wasn’t much heat behind it, not like last night. And Mike looked so tired he was almost slumped over in the driver’s seat. If Mike hadn’t had to come out to pick him up, he could’ve been home relaxing. Rayne didn’t want to make Mike’s life harder by living there. He was hoping for the opposite, but so far, he kept coming up short.

It took twenty minutes to get to the house, and Mike was quiet for most of the ride. Rayne told him all about the spa and how he’d nailed his first day, but Mike looked as if he was barely keeping his eyes open when he congratulated him.

They came in through the garage, and Mike pulled on Rayne’s arm to stop him in the hallway. He loosely held his hips as he placed a gentle kiss on the center of his forehead. “I’m gonna go to my room and lay down. My back is killing me, and I got another early morning tomorrow.”

Rayne didn’t let his displeasure show, but he’d been hoping for some more personal get-to-know-my-man time tonight. He’d wanted to cook them dinner and sit and talk like before. Rayne smoothed his hands up Mike’s hard chest and whispered against his jaw, inching his way toward his mouth. “I can join you.”

Mike kissed him back, but it lacked passion. “Rayne. I didn’t ask you to move in with me to be my bed warmer.”

Rayne was stunned by those words, though he already knew that. He didn’t feel used. Mike wasn’t like any man he’d ever been with, and that was why he wanted to comfort him, be there for him.

“You’re more than that.” Mike brushed his thumb across his cheek, his dark eyes on Rayne’s bottom lip. “A lot more.”

“So are you.” Rayne buried his nose in Mike’s throat. “Let me take care of you.”

“That’s not your job.”