Rayne wanted to jump into Edison’s arms, but instead, he gripped his hand in a strong shake while clutching the business card in his other. “I wish you knew how much of a godsend you are, Edison.”

Edison gave him a classic aww shucks expression, waving him off with a shy grin. “I’m no guardian angel. Not saying you don’t have one of your own.”

Rayne didn’t know what that meant, but he did feel as if his luck was beginning to change. “I can start right now if you want.” Rayne pointed behind him. “I can change and be dressed in business casual in twenty minutes.”

“No, that’s not necessary.” Edison gestured at Rayne’s Hugo Boss tracksuit. “You go and enjoy your new class.”

Yoga is not a priority! Wages are! Rayne didn’t want the job to go to somebody else.

Edison must’ve read the panic on his face because he put both hands up as if he could physically hold back Rayne’s worry. “I’ll need to notify HR today and get you set up with an orientation date to complete your paperwork.”

“So, I don’t need to interview or…”

“Nope.” Edison shook his head. “I had a great conversation with you the other week over dinner. We talked about your weaknesses, your strengths, goals, and hobbies. I know you’re disciplined, smart, ambitious, and you have a very pleasant demeanor that we like for people to see when they come into the office.”

Rayne laughed. That worked for him because he was beyond tired of the countless interviews.

“See?” Edison pointed. “And you have a great laugh too.”

“I don’t know how on Earth to thank you.”

“No thanks needed. Just show up on time Monday morning at nine o’clock sharp.” Edison checked his expensive timepiece, then made a quick beeline toward the door. “I better get going so that I don’t hit traffic.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be there,” Rayne promised as he walked Edison outside and locked up behind him. He was so elated he turned down Edison’s offer to drive him to the gym and decided to walk since he felt like he was floating on air.