Rayne was still chuckling. “Just because it’s a thirty-year-old movie, it’s considered a classic. It never gets old.”

“Is it even available to stream, or is it only on VHS?” Trent ribbed him. “I hope you guys don’t have to find a Blockbuster to rent it because you’re gonna be shit outta luck.”

Rayne threw a plastic cup at Trent’s head as he ducked out the door before it struck him. He liked his and Trent’s teasing banter; it was almost like having a big brother. Rayne’s smile was back as he refocused his energy and attention on why he’d woken in such a great mood.

He turned off the foyer light and was startled by a quick knock at the front door just as he was reaching for the knob. Rayne yanked his hand away as if there were a couple of Mormon missionaries standing on the other side, then laughed at his own silliness.

“Rayne, it’s me, Edison,” he heard as he checked the peephole. His smile got an instant boost at the sound of Edison’s cheerful voice.

“Good morning, Edison,” Rayne greeted after he opened the door. “I’m afraid you just missed Trent, and Wood is already at the shop.”

Edison removed his gold-rimmed sunglasses. “Actually, I’m here to see you, Rayne. You got a minute?”

He checked the time on his flip phone, not wanting to miss his bus for his first hot yoga session. “Sure, I got a few minutes. What’s up?”

“I was on my way to the office when I remembered these yoga books I asked my assistant for last week, and she brought them in yesterday.” Edison placed the full canvas bag on the table and pulled out several new-looking books and magazines on everything from beginner’s yoga to practical mindfulness.

Wow. They looked in great condition. “Edison, this is amazing, thank you. These look almost brand-new.” Rayne was floored as he opened the restorative yoga guidebook, the spine creaking and stretching as if it’d never been opened.

Edison cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. Mila said she didn’t use them very much since she preferred videos instead of books. I think she’s more of a visual learner.”

Rayne was beaming as he skimmed through the Meditation Made Simple book. “Edison, I can’t thank you enough. And your assistant too.”

Edison’s smile was warm and kind. “It looks like you’re on your way out.”

“I am.” Rayne didn’t know if he could grin any harder, but when he remembered where he was going and who’d made it possible, he couldn’t help it.

“Wow, look at that smile. What’s that all about?” Edison laughed.

It’s all about Mike Stockley. But that’s not the answer he gave. “I’m on my way to do yoga at OneHealth.”

Edison’s brows rose. “That’s a really nice gym. I didn’t know you had a membership there.”

“Actually, I don’t.” Rayne knew he was blushing. “I’m sort of using Mike’s.”

Edison paused, his light eyes widening. “That’s nice of him.”

“Yeah,” Rayne sighed, thinking about Mike’s touch. “He really is…”

Edison’s light chuckle pulled Rayne from his daydream of the hug he and Mike shared last week.

“Mike’s a great guy that raised two amazing men by himself, one that I happen to be head over heels in love with,” Edison said with stars dancing behind his eyes at the mere thought of Bishop.

Good god. I pray they’re like father, like son.

Edison ran his hand over his tie, and Rayne noticed that Edison was dressed in a black pinstriped, tailored business suit. The man had style coming from every direction.

“I was on my way to the office but wanted to drop these off for you and to also check on your employment status.” Edison reached inside his inner coat pocket and pulled out a chrome engraved business card holder.

Rayne cocked his head to the side as he took the ivory card from between Edison’s fingertips. Edison Scala, BACJ. Executive Office Manager and Paralegal to Presley Alfred, Esquire. Alfred, Dolan, Maroko & Bickel, PC.

“I’m still unemployed, I’m afraid. But I’ve got a few applications in at some retail stores downtown. I hope to get a callback soon.”

“Well then. I have a temporary position that came open yesterday at the office, and I thought you might be perfect for it.”

Edison had barely finished his sentence before Rayne was nodding and agreeing. He didn’t care if the job was mopping floors or restocking the vending machines in the breakroom. He’d do whatever was required as long as he could stop selling his jewelry and clothes to pay his rent. “Sure. Yes. What’s the position?”

Edison clapped his hands together once, his smile growing brighter. “Front desk reception. Answering a very busy switchboard, running office errands, and maybe some light filing.”