Rayne gaped at Mike, although there was no heat behind his glare. “You’re just gonna ditch me. I thought we were having a moment.”

“We were… and there’ll be more moments later tonight,” Mike promised sensually before he hurried to escape the dance floor.

“I don’t need that visual,” Wood muttered and encased Rayne in his arms.

They were quiet for a long moment, Rayne holding his best friend close, his heart overflowing with happiness for him. “I’m so happy for you, Hersch. You and Trent are an inspiration. Your love for each other will last until the end of time and far beyond.”

“Gosh, you’re such a romantic sap.” Wood kissed the top of Rayne’s head. “How does Mike deal with it?”

“Happily,” Rayne retorted.

Wood glanced in Mike’s direction, where he was laughing with his sons and a few guys from his crew. “I didn’t think Mike had it in him.”

“Didn’t think he had what in him?”

Wood looked into Rayne’s eyes. “The ability to love you the way you wanted to be loved.”

“Oh, but he does,” Rayne damn near sang.

Wood shook his head at him. “I know. I’m happy for you, babe.”

“I’m happy for both of us.”

“Did you see us living like this when we were in that shitty halfway house three years ago?” Wood asked. He and Trent had moved out of the trailer nine months ago and bought their first home together.

Rayne had been just as proud as Mike when he provided guidance, advice, and sometimes financial assistance to his sons and their partners. He loved them and would do anything to keep them happy and protected. It was clear every day that a lot of Mike had rubbed off on Rayne. He would always be a gentle soul, but he could get riled up and even angry if someone threatened what he adored and treasured.

“Hell no. There was no way to foresee this.” Rayne woke every morning in Mike’s bed, unable to believe how blessed he was. “But one thing I did know was that we would always be best friends and take care of each other.”

Wood hugged him tight as he moved gracefully in his arms. Rayne would never tell his partner, but Wood was a much better dancer than Mike, and his toes were thankful he’d switched partners. Mike hadn’t been exaggerating when he said he didn’t dance and if Rayne made him do it, he’d regret it.

“So how’s business going?” Rayne asked when the song transitioned to “Every Time you Go Away.”

“Booming, but I’m glad things are manageable now. I was so busy before with opening the new tattoo shop, I was barely able to squeeze in the full two weeks for our honeymoon. El wants to open a third shop since they’re both doing so well. But I don’t know if I want to be that tied up with work when I just got married. And since Trent and Summer’s construction company is blazing full steam ahead, I don’t think I need to kill myself working twelve hours a day anymore.”

“That’s understandable. And remember what I said before. Make sure you two are communicating.” Rayne had both hands clasped behind Wood’s neck. He looked so handsome in his cream linen shirt and blue slacks that were identical to Trent’s.

“Yes, Dad,” Wood mocked.

“Oh gosh.” Rayne smiled, feeling that familiar warmth on his cheeks. He never failed to get embarrassed when they called him that. Or any of the many variations they had for “stepdad.” Bishop and Trent were always respectful with whatever they called him, and Rayne could feel the love they had for him in every tease and joke they made about his age. As long as Rayne kept their father happy, then they were all happy.

“So when are you and Mike gonna take the leap?”

Rayne almost choked on his breath because he’d actually thought a lot about that lately. “I don’t know. When it’s time, I guess. But I’m not in a rush, and Mike knows I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’ve been trying to steal this guy away for over an hour,” Chelsea said as she came and stood close to them in her pretty sky-blue sundress. “I have to get to work soon. Do you have one dance left in you for me, Purple Rain?” No sooner did Chelsea utter the words than the DJ started to play the classic Prince song.

“I hate you have to work tonight.” Rayne held Chelsea around her waist. “You know these guys are gonna turn up and get wild as soon as it gets dark and the drinks start flowing.”

“I’m just glad it was drama-free.” She glanced around the spacious backyard. “So no Ivy, huh?”

Rayne shook his head. “This is Trent’s day, and he can’t stand her, so Bishop said she couldn’t come. Him and her have gone out to three or four dinners that he said was super awkward because he said he never knows what to say around her since all she does is talk about her new lifestyle and her wealth.”

“She is really a piece of work, that one. Some of the stuff you tell me sounds like something from a Desperate Housewives episode.”

“Bishop said he’ll maybe send her a card on holidays or see her on her birthday, but he doesn’t want to have a mother-son relationship with her.” Rayne sighed. All he wanted was Bishop to be content with whatever decision he made, and he’d insisted Mike stay out of it and let his son decide on his own.

“It was still an interesting wedding.” Chelsea laughed. “The garden was gorgeous, and this catering by Mama is to die for. But I’ve never seen so much heckling and ribbing during a wedding ceremony. What the hell? The minister could barely get to the I-do’s because everyone was joking around so much. What happened to the listening and the crying happy tears?”