

Two years later…

“They look so happy, don’t they?” Rayne shuffled his feet back and forth as Mike held him tight in his arms on the makeshift dance floor in the center of the green lawn. Rayne was so happy for Trent and Wood that it was hard to focus on anyone else in attendance. Their love was just that palpable on their special day. When Rayne’s observation was met with terse silence, he glanced up at Mike’s eyes. He followed his partner’s dark gaze toward the DJ set up on the far-right corner of the backyard of Wood and Trent’s new home.

“Mike, what in the world are you scowling at over there?” Rayne asked, scanning the yard.

“The fuckin’ DJ, that’s who. How long is this goddamn song? What’s he playing, the extended LP version?” Mike grumbled.

Rayne laughed because that’s what he did a lot of every day. “Hey, you. Stop complaining. You promised me a dance, remember.”

“I do remember, and that’s why I’m out here making a complete fool of myself.” Mike kissed him on his forehead. “I hate dancing, and I think people who do it should be shot on sight.”

Rayne rubbed his palm over Mike’s rough jaw, drawing his gaze toward him. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, calming his lover with just a slight caress to his cheek and a breathy whisper in his ear. “It’s a slow song, handsome. I could do this with you all night.”

Mike kissed him again and again. “You can try to charm me all you want. But I said one dance.”

“I’ll take anything I can get, love.” Rayne laid his cheek on Mike’s hard chest. He could feel his heat even through the crisp, royal blue dress shirt.

Mike stopped shooting daggers at the DJ and stared down at Rayne with the same intensity, emotion, and love that he’d done for the past two years. Their hearts and souls were intertwined, their lives now a family blended into one.

“Dad. I’m about to do the toast soon. How long you two gonna cut a rug out here,” Bishop teased from where he and Edison were rocking back and forth in each other’s arms a few feet away.

Mike flipped Bishop off. “As soon as this DJ stops torturing me. If it’s time for your toast, B, then give his ass the signal to wrap up this thirty-minute song and snatch the mic off the stand.”

Bishop glanced over at his dad. “You’re right. This song should’ve been over by now.”

“Right. Who the fuck is singing this anyway?”

“I requested a Hall & Oates medley.” Edison smiled as he held Bishop closer. “I asked the DJ to do a mix of their greatest hits.”

“What the… Hall and— Oh, you’ve got to be fuckin’ shittin’ me. Edison, you did this?” Mike growled in Bishop’s direction. “This is Trent’s day. Where’s the jazz? Damn, B, don’t you have any control over your husband?”

Bishop stopped moving and glared at his father. Edison and Rayne both sighed in exasperation as Mike squared off with his son. It was a playful act that both he and Edison were used to. “I have about as much control over my guy as you have over yours. And it was you, Mike, that told them they could have one dance from us at the wedding. So blame your fuckin’ self.”

“Can you two not encourage each other’s bad behavior today of all days,” Edison said to his husband and father-in-law before he snatched Bishop around and snuggled under his big arms.

Rayne swayed in Mike’s embrace, chuckling under his breath at his partner’s discomfort. “I promise, after the song is over, we can—”

“You mean after the never-ending mix of the Oat brothers,” Mike fussed.

“Everyone is enjoying it,” Rayne finished. “See? Trent and Wood are still dancing, so leave it alone. This is about them, remember.”

“I know, I know.”

“And have I told you how wonderful of a father you’ve been to Trent and Wood this year? And Bishop and Edison,” Rayne told Mike as he looked around at the tables full of friends and family. At the immaculate yard that Manny and Mike had created as a wedding gift slash housewarming gift to Trent and his new son-in-law. “You made all this possible. The botanical gardens ceremony was breathtaking. I still can’t believe you had the time to do it all.”

“I wanted to do it. Trent deserves this. My boys deserve everything.” Mike cupped Rayne’s chin and placed a chaste peck on his lips. “So do you.”

Rayne loved when Mike gave him that sexy, vulnerable expression. “I love you so much.”

“I know.” Mike winked. “How could you not?”

Rayne had gotten so lost in Mike’s eyes that he didn’t see Wood when he tapped Mike on his shoulder and asked, “May I cut in?”

“Good lord, you got good timing, son.” Mike didn’t hesitate to take Rayne’s hand and place it in Wood’s. “Dance with him until his heart is content.”