He was on the verge of chickening out.

Even as Micah held tightly to one of her hands, his fingers playing absently with a strand of her hair as the warded elevator led them up and up, Cinder knew that he was trying to come up with some way to prevent the inevitable.

And it was inevitable. From the moment she met her angel—for the first time, then the second—she’d known that her fate was intertwined with his. Even the lord of Hell couldn’t come between them, and Heaven knows that Lucifer tried.

Once they were bonded, they’d be tied together. Forever. An eternity would await them, when they could begin to make up for lost time.

And all she had to do was sleep with Micah. Not even that. Once an angel recognized their lifemate, all it took was some kind of penetration to finalize a bond. He just had to put his cock inside of her in one way or another.

Like, what a hardship, right? Sexy as sin angel who mourned her betrayal for forty years, then forgave her instantly because he was too good-hearted to hold a grudge. More amazingly, he wanted Cinder as much as she wanted him.

Which was precisely why she was prepared to do anything to keep him from going all noble and telling her that there was time. That they could wait. That there was no rush—

Nope. Cinder heard that all before, and she wasn’t ready for a replay. So when Micah opened his door, inviting her into his open floor hotel room, she waited for him to close the door, then pounced.

She took heart in the fact that Micah moved at the same time. Their bodies collided, their mouths meeting so roughly that their teeth clicked before they fell into a frantic rhythm that was as familiar as it was oh so new.

As Micah ran his fingers through her wild hair, Cinder took advantage of his distraction to reach for the front of his shirt. She had the first four buttons undone before Micah realized she was halfway to undressing him.

Panting softly, his lips swollen from their frantic kiss, Micah held out his hands.

Reluctantly, she waited to see what he would say to her.

“Cinder,” he began before something occurred to him. As if suddenly realizing they were alone again, he hurriedly changed it to, “Dawn.”

She resisted the urge to purr, an instinctive reaction to the way he addressed her. Telling him her name? Good idea. Very good idea. “Yes?”

“You don’t have to do this.”

If Micah said stop, she’d stop. But since her angel was acting as if he thought she wasn’t on board with their claiming each other, she decided to forge forward with her plan.

“Of course I do,” she told him, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. With a wave of her hand, Cinder used magic to finish unbuttoning his shirt. The sight of his muscled torso was burned into her memory, but seeing it again for the first time in decades? She had to work hard not to drool before she remembered what she was doing. Laying her palm against his skin, she said, “You heard your brother.”

Micah’s cheeks lit up, though he moved closer, leaning into her touch. A powerful, immortal angel from Heaven, one of the few Fallen who spent millennia in Purgatory, a freaking prince among his faction… and he was blushing.

Royal flush. That’s what she had called it back in his office. Cinder stood by it. The youngest angel prince went beet-red at the idea of intimacy.

With her memories restored, she knew he was technically a virgin when it came to penetrative sex with a woman—or, at least, he had been when she knew him last. Though Micah had been a hit with the maidens when women were still referred to as such, he had saved the act of claiming sex for his future mate.

For her.

They’d fooled around before. When she met Micah, a spry sixty-year-old witch to the age-old angel, she’d been eager to teach him everything she knew. Cinder—Phoenix—had been the opposite of a virgin, but Micah had never seemed to mind. In fact, he was the one who always pushed for them to wait.

She used to think it was because he was holding out for better. Cinder’s old insecurities often reared their ugly heads back then, and she was struggling not to let them overwhelm her now. One downside to remembering everything she’d forgotten? She remembered how terrified she was that she’d lose Micah before she had the chance to bond to him.

Well, she had, and it fucking sucked. Cinder had her second chance, he was standing right in front of her, pale blue eyes shining as even the tips of his ears went fire-engine red, and she wasn’t going to let him get away again.

“Okay,” she said, because she didn’t want Micah to get the wrong idea, “I have to be honest. I could care less what your brother said. Even if he tried to keep us apart, I’d still want to do this. I’m all in, Micah. We waited too long. I don’t want to wait any longer if you don’t.”

Micah was quiet for a moment. Cinder sucked in a breath, more nervous than she ever wanted to admit, though she couldn’t help but track the motion of his hand as he lowered it to the front of his slacks.

Using the heel of his hand, he adjusted the growing bulge pushing against his tailored pants.

Cinder’s gaze snapped to his face as Micah tried to tame his erection. The expression she found there said he was as ready as his body was. For a second, she thought his next move would be to lead her to his bed.

Instead, he frowned, and Cinder’s heart stuttered in her chest.