“I want to,” he said at last, “but maybe we’re rushing it—”

Forty years. Even if Cinder was unaware for most of it, Micah wasn’t. “We’re not.”

“I didn’t want to push you—”

“You’re not.”

Micah exhaled softly. “I also never want you to think I only want you because of my powers. Or because Fate tied you to me and you feel like you have no say. A lifemate means forever. I don’t want you to regret saying yes so soon.”

As if she could? And if she believed that he had ulterior motives other than his love for her, Cinder was in no place to judge her angel for it. Everything she’d done—everything that kept them apart despite Fate working to put them together—was because she wanted more power than she already had.

But not Micah. The sweet and gentle angel she knew had never been power hungry. He strived for knowledge and could be single-mindedly determined in his way, but he was just so… so good.

As for Fate, she was eternally grateful for her. If she chose Cinder for Micah, then that meant Micah was meant for her.

Did she deserve him?

Probably not.

Was she going to fight for him anyway?

Hell fucking yes.

Though she’d sacrificed so much for the fire magic Lucifer gave her, Cinder didn’t use it. Instead, she relied on good, old-fashioned, basic witch magic to transport her and Micah across the room. She could spy the king-sized bed through an open doorway and aimed for there.

She landed on her back, Micah’s body stretched out on top of her. With a quick wave of her hand, she poured more juice into the same spell that had opened Micah’s shirt for her. Only, this time, she disappeared his clothes—and hers.

When his bare skin met hers, she swore she felt a sizzle.

Micah gasped.

With his mouth slightly parted, Cinder leaned up, stealing a quick kiss. As the shock on his face slowly was replaced by desire, she decided that her angel didn’t mind that Cinder had used magic on him.

Micah’s voice was slightly strangled as he said, “I’ve missed being skin to skin with you. I thought I remembered what it was like… I sure dreamed of it enough… but it was nothing compared to how you feel beneath me right now.”

He was still holding himself slightly off of her as if afraid to put his full weight on her body. His erection was a brand against her hip, and Cinder just barely resisted the need to move so that the head of his cock was closer to the heat of her entrance.

“I take it you don’t mind? I don’t want to push you into doing something you don’t want to, either.”

“I— no. Not at all. In fact, that’s definitely a handy spell. Saves time. Poof, clothes gone, right?”

Micah sounded nervous. She didn’t want him nervous.

She wanted him out of his mind with lust for her—just like she was for him.

Cinder nipped at his full bottom lip, stroking the back of his ankle with the side of her foot.

“I can conjure them right back,” she told him as he pressed down just enough that his sculpted chest was flush against her breasts. Yes! “Say the word. We go into this mating together. We both decide. I say ‘yes’, but I totally understand if you say ‘no’. No pressure, I swear. I just… if there’s only one thing I regret, it’s that I didn’t make my move forty years ago.”

Cinder held her breath, enjoying the weight of his pecs rubbing against her hardened nipples. She meant every word she said. They’d been naked together plenty of times before, but this was different. He had his memories, she had hers, and if they had to wait to make more, she would.

She didn’t blink. Lost in his pale blue eyes, she looked at Micah and saw only love reflected in his gaze.

He broke the stare. For a heartbeat, she thought she had his answer, and she was just about to bring their clothes back when Micah bowed his head over her.

“If I do this,” Micah whispered, his forehead pressed gently against hers, “then this is it. There’s no going back. You’ll finally be mine.”

They were starting over. That was what that night meant.