Chapter Eighteen

Exposing the concealed, small, black handgun, Jack wrapped his arm around Payton, pressing the gun against her side.

“It’s show time, princess,” Jack coolly replied, giving her his kiss of death. “I think it’s time we played in your room.”

To the random onlooker, the two of them could have looked like any other couple. Her eyes darted about for anything or anyone who could help her. Unfortunately, for Payton, the hall and elevator were vacant.

Jack pushed Payton into her room, pointing his gun at her. Payton stared at him in disgust and in fear for her life. The walls began to close in on her as they walked. Her mouth became dry and parched. Not knowing what to do with her hands, she brought one up to chew on the skin around her nails. Pulling at them, tearing at them. She could taste the blood from her finger. Her rational thinking began to decline. She needed to think of a plan soon, but everything seemed to be stacked against her. For the life of her, she couldn’t come up with a plan. She could only keep chewing her finger, ignoring the pain, as she saw emptiness when she tried to think. Her head was humming and she began to feel pins and needles in her forehead.

He looked rough and tough with a determination she hadn’t noticed before. A shudder went through her body. She saw emptiness in his eyes. As Jack shifted his feet, Payton could see his growing erection.

“Undress slowly,” he commanded, his voice void of any emotion. His sly, crooked smirk said it all to her.

Her hands trembled slightly as she did what he demanded. Her once warm fingers were now as cold as ice, as the blood seemed to have drained from her body because of her fear and panic. She felt her heart pounding out of her chest; she thought she might have actually seen her chest pounding through her shirt. She hoped and prayed he didn’t plan to pick up where he left off in his room, hoping their previous encounter was not to be repeated. Deep down she knew he had a bigger plan for her, one that was no longer rape, but death. Her body shivered, not from standing undressed, but from this realization. He was going to kill her.

This was Jack’s M.O., he always left the women he killed naked. They didn’t deserve clothing. This was going to turn into a good day after all, he thought to himself.

As Payton began to strip down to her underwear, he began to relax, knowing the fun part was to come.


Downstairs, Logan returned.Determined to cut down on his drinking he had only taken a sip. It was all he needed to take the edge off his craving, which enabled him to fully focus once more. What he saw when he looked into his video horrified him.

Shannon was motionless, a belt cinched around her neck. She was half standing, half slouching against a closet door. He should have never gone out of range from the monitor he thought, hating himself.


Goosebumps covered Payton’spale, pink skin. She stood in the white bathroom, trembling with fear. She could no longer hold her distress inside. Jack stood as if he were king, smirking, enjoying the events of the afternoon. Without saying a word he handed her a razor blade.