Chapter Nineteen

Payton was absolutely terrified—here she was, half naked in a bathroom with a lunatic who demanded she kill herself, with no possible way to escape. It was hard not to focus on her shaking body and the terror that ran through her. All she had come up with was to get Jack talking. If she could stall him maybe someone would save her.

This was her only option.

She needed to stall him.

“Place the razor on your wrist and cut in a horizontal direction,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, in a way a teacher might have described how to dissect a dead frog.

“Jack, you’re a man of brilliance.” Compliment him; make him think he is something he is not, Payton thought to herself. “There is no need to kill me.”

“Why, dear Payton.” He licked his lips like he were looking at her as a piece of food. “In order to get away with all of the money from our dealings I must make it look like you are guilty. Then no one will come after me.” He took a step forward, his breath hitting her in the face as he yanked on her hair. “You will do it.”

She started to object but he yanked her hair even more, forcing her head back. He pressed his lips roughly to hers, invading her mouth with his tongue. Another kiss of death from him. His green eyes burned into her soul; his darkness invaded her, eating up any remaining hope she clung to. Jack repeated his instructions with more force while taking a step back and giving Payton back her personal space. “Besides, I am not killing you, you are killing yourself.”


Logan pushed pastthe tightness in his chest, not allowing it to slow him down. He was completely out of breath as he ran up the rest of the stairs and burst into Jack’s hotel room. He had to save Shannon—she had trusted him, which was something not many people did any more. This was his chance to turn his life around. A limp Shannon, half slouched, half standing, was in front of him, her features pale and her body motionless. He quickly unhooked the belt and gently placed her limp body on the floor while calling 9-1-1. He prayed to God that if she survived he would make it up to this wonderful stranger who had trusted him, and he’d give up alcohol completely. Never again would he have a drink.

Lilly and Ryan entered Jack’s hotel room to find Logan over Shannon’s lifeless looking body. Her breathing so shallow it was hard to see with the naked eye. There was no time to think as instinct immediately cut in. They had to save her.

She was in and out of consciousness; vaguely aware she was alive with help on its way. Shannon’s immediate thoughts were on Payton, who was no longer in the room. Shannon’s throat was dry. She tried to say Payton’s name but a low whisper felt like it was cutting her throat.


It was alot easier to convince Payton to kill herself than Jack thought it would be. As he walked out of her hotel room he looked at his watch. He was still under schedule. Shaking his head, he thought to himself that he should have had his way with her before forcing the blade. But he got too excited and fast-forwarded to the exciting process of dominating Payton and showing her what she deserved in life. Maybe Shannon would have a pulse and then he could find out how she was sexually. Then he could rope her up properly. It was unlike him to have possible loose ends. As he strolled down the hallway, whistling to himself, he saw that his hotel room door was open. That was not good but did not frighten him. He knew he was the best at what he did. The money was transferred, that was what he needed. He had cleared out his room in preparation for Payton anyway. Nothing of importance was left. In an hour he would be on a private jet to Europe to meet up with Castle.


Dixon tried anotherlead, to another room. He hoped that his Find Friend app on his phone was precise. He came upon a messy room and a bathroom covered in blood. Payton’s naked body lay covered and surrounded in her blood. He quickly called 9-1-1 and held a towel to her cut. Thank goodness he had her on his GPS. The touch of her arm felt cold as he picked it up. He prayed to God he could tell her in person that he loved her.