When I look up, my mother is smiling. “I knew you would like them, darling.”
“I do have impeccable taste,” my father says. That earns him an annoyed look from my mother.
“These aren’t the ones you picked, Telric,” she says. “You wanted to buy Reyna the ugly set which looked like spiders.”
My father scratches his chin, disturbing the thick auburn hair which sprouts there. “Are you sure?”
She sighs at him and shakes her head.
When at last all my gifts are unwrapped, I take to drinking once more. Arluin’s eyes tighten as I lift my goblet to my lips.
“Are you really going to drink more wine?” he asks me.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you’ve already drunk so much.”
Eliya leans forward, joining the conversation. “Don’t worry, Arluin,” she says. “Me and Reyna are used to drinking until we pass out.”
Arluin runs a hand down his face. “That’s exactly what concerns me.”
He has little say in the matter, however, and after another bottle of wine, I end up passing out. I’m not sure how long I’m unconscious, but when my eyes reopen, I see my mother and father leaving. The rest of the table is mostly empty now. Eliya hasn’t passed out yet, though. I feel her patting my head. Why exactly, I don’t know.
“Make sure she doesn’t spend the night in a gutter,” my father grumbles to Arluin.
“I’ll look after her!” Eliya exclaims beside me. Maybe that was the reason for her patting my head.
My father doesn’t turn to Eliya. Thanks to her, I have spent the occasional night sleeping in an alleyway.
“I’ll help you take her back home,” Arluin says. His arm wraps around my waist, preparing to lift me from my seat. I spring to life and shake him off.
“I’m not going home!” I object. “It’s my birthday, and I haven’t finished celebrating it.”
Arluin sighs. I’m surprised he doesn’t bother pointing out that I’ve spent most of it with my head on the table.
“That’s the spirit!” Eliya claps her hands together. “Here, Rey-rey, drink some more wine!”
Much to Arluin’s dismay, she passes me another goblet.
The moment the wine greets my lips, I black out again.
When I finally return to my senses, Eliya is long gone and Arluin is hauling me off my chair.
“Where’s everyone gone?” I demand, this time not resisting as he lifts me. One of his arms is secured under my legs, while the other supports my back. The ground looks a lot farther away than it probably is. “Why did they leave so early?”
Arluin chokes out a laugh. “It’s definitely not early.”
“Oh,” I say, blinking at him. In his arms, I feel like I’m floating. “Can I have more wine?”
“Not a chance.”
I pout. “Why not?”
“Because you are very, very drunk right now.”
“I’m only a little bit drunk.”
Arluin doesn’t seem to fall for that lie. He shakes his head and carries me toward the door. I let my head droop back. From this angle, the table is upside down. All the dishes and goblets are gone. And my gifts, too.