Page 13 of Ashes of Aether

“Where are all my presents?”

“Your parents took them home,” he says. “They had to make a few trips.”


We come to the door. It’s shut.

“Can you get that?” Arluin asks, his arms still full with me.

I reach for the door, but my hand is too far away and my fingers only find air. I use my foot instead and give the door a mighty kick. We barge out into the night and almost collide with the couple who are entering the inn. I throw back my head and laugh. I immediately regret doing so. It’s more evidence that I’m drunk.

He flashes them an apologetic look, but it does little to soothe their scowls. Their angry expressions make me laugh harder. Arluin hurries away from them before I can add to the insult.

“Hey,” I say when he comes to a stop. I prod his chest.“I just remembered something.”

He peers down at me. “What did you remember?”

“That you didn’t get me a present.”

“I did.”

Maybe he gave me his present when I blacked out. “Oh yes,” I say with a big nod. “I remember now. It was a lovely... uh...”

His shoulders shake with silent laughter. “Reyna, I haven’t given it to you yet. You asked me if I got you a present, not whether I gave it to you.”

“Oh. Right. When are you going to give it to me then? You can’t wait until tomorrow or it won’t be a birthday present, will it?”

“I was intending to give it to you tonight. But now you’re too drunk so it’ll have to wait until the morning.”

“I’m not too drunk.”

He shoots me a dubious look.

“Please, Arly,” I beg him. “I won’t be able to sleep now. Not knowing what my present is will keep me tossing and turning all night.”

“You were sleeping just fine on the table before.”

I scrunch my nose at him. “I’m not waiting until the morning. Besides, why can’t I be drunk for your present?” I don’t add that all my other presents were given to me while I was drunk, but I do think it’s a strong argument.

“Because,” he simply says.

“‘Because’ isn’t a reason.”

“Reyna, I’m taking you home.”

“No, I don’t want to go home. I want to go to yours. I’ll be good, I promise.”

“You’re never good,” he says, kissing my cheek.

“If I go home with you, then at least you’ll know whether I’m asleep or whether I’m awake drinking more wine.”

He breathes a laugh. “All right. Point taken.”

“So, that means we’re going back to yours?”


“And you’re also going to give me your present?”