“Damn, you must be rolling in the dough.” I cracked a smile. “But all in seriousness, that’s amazing. I couldn’t make it through law school. Hell, I barely made it out of medical school sane.” It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. No sleep was normal for me, and by now I’m used to it.
“Did you end up marrying Lauren?” She asked, side eyeing me.
I didn’t want to read too much into it, but was she into me? Sometimes I think she is, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions and be wrong. “Hell no, we broke up at the end of senior year. Let’s just say I don’t date long distance, plus she wasn’t exactly faithful.”
Her head bobbed up and down. “I could see that. I never understood why you were interested in her? She was so stuck up, and didn’t seem to care about anyone but herself.”
Looking back, I’m not sure why I dated her either. I’d much rather have dated Cam but she turned me down. “What about you? You married?”
She held up her hand with her ring finger raised, “Nope, single as they come. My life’s been so busy. I haven’t had any interest in dating. No time for it.”
“I feel ya there. I work very long hours and most can’t handle it. It’s hard to start a new relationship when you’re constantly working all the time.”
Our food was served and we stopped to eat. She was right, the food was delicious. I consumed it within about twenty minutes with a happy plate. “So, do you plan on sticking around here? Or is this a pit stop?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t take a job as a partner and bail. My roots are finally set down here. Even bought a house.”
Just what I wanted to hear. My plan was to eventually ask her out, but didn’t want to get my hopes up if she planned on leaving town anytime soon. Not sure I could handle the rejection from her again. “Well, I’ve got to run home and get some sleep before my next shift starts in five hours. It was great to see you. We’ll have to do this again.”
My hand was placed on the small of her back as I escorted her to the car. “Let’s have lunch again. I’ll text you.”
As she got in her car and drove away, my heart sunk knowing that not everyone got a second chance and I couldn’t fuck it up.
Once I got home, my plan was conspiring with Abigail.
“Hey, got a question.”
“Okay shoot,” Abigail replied.
“Do you think I have a chance with—-” I didn’t even get to finish.
“No.” She laughed, as if she was kidding.
“Wait, are you serious? No chance at all?” I could hear fumbling on the other side of the phone. Oh crap. What if she’s with Camilla right now? “What are you doing?”
“Sorry, I dropped my phone. I might be her best friend, but I just got her back. So not exactly sure, but you should go for it.”
Abigail’s blessing expressed a great deal. She was the most familiar person to Cam, so her opinion meant the most.
Why couldn’t I have the girl of my dreams?