Page 7 of Rekindled Love

I quickly paced behind the nurse to a patient room with a young girl inside groaning, “What’s wrong, dear?”

“It hurts. Bad. make it stop. Please.” Her face was wincing.

“Show me where it hurts the worst.”

She pointed to her stomach. “Please, it hurts so bad. I can’t take it. Mama. Make it stop!”

“Have you gone to the bathroom in the last 24 hours?” I asked, feeling around her appendix and kidneys.

Her parents stood up, “No.”

“What about vomiting?”


“This might be cold.” The stethoscope would help me listen for the function of the intestines. “I think she has IBS and could possibly be backed up. Let me prescribe some Rifaximin and see if it helps ease the pain.”

The little girl grabbed my hand, “So, it will go away?”

“Not forever. IBS isn’t curable but your parents will need to watch what you eat.” The little girl started crying and I nodded at the parents. “I’ll have the nurse bring you the script and some instructions.”

I wanted to help further but I can’t prevent the pain. All I could do was give her some medicine to help alleviate some of it.

My phone beeped alerting me it was time to clock out, and a message appeared.

Camilla: See you there. =)

Forty-eight patients were seen while on shift and as exhausted as I was, the thought of going out with Camilla excited me. Since I only lived a couple blocks away from the hospital, a quick pit stop to shower and change out of scrubs was made and headed to the restaurant.

When I pulled up, she was already walking inside.

“Hey!” I screamed, to get her attention. “Wait for me.”

She turned around with a smile on her face, excited to see me. Once parked, I walked over and opened the door for her. It pays to be a gentleman. The perfume she wore reminded me of when we were in high school. We would go out to the woods and come out to this vast pasture with rows of fresh daisies. Her hair down to the small of her back, which she had likely spent hours curling. She didn’t wear a ton of makeup, no need for it.

As we waited to be seated, I found myself wondering what if she would have said yes to me all those years ago? Would we have stayed together? Most likely not. I wasn’t the girlfriend type back then, so I would have fucked it up for sure.

“How many?” The hostess asked.

“Two, please.”

“Right this way.”

I pulled out the chair for her, and sat down across from her. “I’m glad I could get off in time. It was a crazy day and I’m starving.” I grabbed the menu and started browsing. “What’s good here?”

She laughed, “Everything? Have you never been here?”

“Don’t have much time to go out and eat. I mostly eat at home or from vending machines at work. Ridiculous, I know.”

“So, what do you do then?” She asked, inquisitively.

“Pediatrician.” I answered, looking at her reaction.

“Really? Wow, I remember you talking about that. Glad you followed through.”

When I was younger, my parents fought all the time. Cam was my escape, and my best friend through it. My mom was sick with cancer but that didn’t stop him from beating on her. “So what do you do?”

“Partner at a local firm here. That’s why I moved back.”