Page 6 of Rekindled Love

Chapter 3


This had to be a dream. There was no way Camilla was back in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Yet there she was.Just go talk to her. Be cool.In reality, I was anything but. Conversations with a beautiful lady have never been my forte. In high school, they flocked to me because of sports, not because I was necessarily good looking.

Yeah, Camilla rejected me, but we were adults now. I’m sure both of us have changed for the better. She sure did. I almost didn’t recognize her. The last time I laid eyes on her, I don’t remember her being full figured. Not that I was complaining.

I’ve never been much of a partier, especially now. I worked a twelve-hour shift today, and would rather spend my free time catching up on rest. Although, seeing Camilla again was better than a nap. There were so many things I wanted her to answer, but I didn’t want to dive right in. If she moved back for good, I’d have plenty of time to get answers.

We were neighbors for years, but as we matured, we went our separate ways. She was the clever girl who got A’s on everything and spent her Friday nights studying while I played every school sport offered. By senior year, we barely nodded at each other in the hallway. I wondered if I did something to offend her, but never got the chance to ask before she whisked off to college.

Her eyes scanned the room, drinking it in, until her eyes stopped on me. Oh god, did she notice me staring at her? My face was no longer covered in acne. I got broader and it’s been ten years. A slight smile told me it was time to approach her. Her long locks hung at the small of her back accenting her ass. Not that she needed anything to bring more attention to it. I didn’t want to stare but it was hard. It’s not everyday someone in their late twenties was sexier than at their prime. Camilla was a masterpiece, a one of a kind.

“Camilla, is that you?” I asked, examining her.

“It’s me in the flesh. Wow, you’ve grown up. Barely look the same.” She replied, touching my shoulders sending a shiver down my spine. A beautiful girl hadn’t touched me in months.

“Yeah, time does wonders on the body for some of us.” My eyes flicked down to her breasts.Look up, seriously. Don’t be a creep.

As I sat down next to her on the couch, a million questions flew through my mind, but time was on my side. “So how do you know Abigail and Jonathan?”

“Abigail’s been my best friend since junior High. You?”

“Played on the team with Jonathan. Been friends ever since.” I chuckled, not realizing that we knew the same group of people. Who would have known? What a small world.

I could tell she wanted to leave, but how could I slyly ask for her number without looking desperate? Bullets started dripping from my forehead. “You wanna have lunch tomorrow? Catch up, possibly?”

“I’d love that. Here’s my number.” She said, typing it into my phone. “Text me tomorrow morning with the details.”

As she said goodbye to Abigail, a massive grin took over. I got her number, score. Maybe this will go better than I anticipated. The same spark was there from ten years ago, and I wanted to rekindle it between us. She just needs a nudge.

I turned, meeting the smirks of my forgotten audience. “What? What’s so funny?” I forgot about my friends, and they had seen the whole thing. “Was I awkward? I did pretty good, all things considered.”

“Maybe next time, keep your jaw off the floor, bro. You were drooling all over her.” Jonathan replied.

Maybe they were being over dramatic. Hell, I’m proud of myself. I couldn’t possibly let her walk out the door without at least trying to get her number. For the last ten years, I regretted the way things turned out between us and this is my chance to make it right.

“I’m gonna take off too. Need to get some sorta rest before work. Thanks for the party.” I said, giving a bro hug to Jonathan before exiting out the door.

I only had seven hours until I had to be at work for my next shift, and the bags under my eyes were only getting worse every day.Remember why you went to med school, and suck it up baby.

As soon as I got home and my head hit the pillow, my eyes were slammed shut within seconds waiting for my next dream of Camilla to start.


IT'S BEEN NONSTOP CHAOStoday since I arrived at the hospital for my shift. A mall caught fire and thirty-six burn victims were brought into the ER. Of course, I’d rather be sitting across from Camilla right now, but the best chance these victims have are me. I got into the medical profession to help people, save lives, and make a difference.

Me: If I get off in a little bit, wanna grab dinner? It’s been chaotic at the hospital. Let’s say 6ish.

“Doctor, we need you in room 103.”