Page 5 of Making Time for Us

“Are you going to change into a new outfit for your special lunch date?”

“I hadn’t thought about it.”

“You should! Go to the bathroom after you pay and change into your favorite.”

I nod. “Yeah, I think I will. Being able to recreate our first date on its anniversary every year is one of my favorite traditions. I’m really glad the kids aren’t here this year, though. We need this time.”

“Remember how nervous you were about your first date?” She laughs. “I swear you tried on everything you owned and half of my wardrobe, too. Our dorm looked like a fashion show exploded.”

“Hey, it was my first real guy-picks-girl-up-to-go-out dateever. And since we were going off-campus, it felt so important.I wanted to look perfect!” I smile, reminiscing about how sweet he was, giving me fresh flowers, opening all the doors, and making me laugh the entire time.

“I’d say it worked out fine,” she teases.

“Yeah, yeah it did. I couldn’t have asked for a better first date. Or husband and father to my kids for that matter.”

Remembering the joys of young love makes me smile. The stolen glances and secret kisses seem like a lifetime ago… I wonder if there’s a way to feel that high again?

Chapter 2



Todayhasbeenaday from hell.

All I wanted was a quiet day of people acting like adults so I could take my wife to lunch for our anniversary. Is that too much to ask?

It started the second I walked into the police station for briefing and Joe was already harping on my last nerve. Normally, his Chihuahua energy and helicopter ways don’t irritate me this much because he’s a great supervisor, but today he’s pissing me off.

Joe Johnson is my sergeant and my best friend. I’ve known him since our days at the police academy and I have no problem calling him out when he’s beingextra. Fortunately for him, I got a call of alarm activation/possible burglary-in-process right in the middle of briefing, so I had to jump into my truck and roll lights and sirens. The call address was one I know well, the local non-profit Oceanside Outfitters, so I hauled ass over there hoping it was a false alarm.

My heart sank when I saw the glass door was smashed to pieces — I knew it was a burglary and immediately called for backup and waited for him. I’m no rookie with a point to prove. Making it home to my family is the most important thing to me.

After backup arrived, we cleared the building guns drawn, but no one was inside. It was obvious at first glance stuff was missing.

Why are people such assholes?

Ocean Outfitters collects new and used clothing and distributes it to local families in need. Even my department, Seaside Police, partners with them to accept donations at the station year-round. Thankfully, Southern California weather doesn’t see extreme weather, but their organization provides a great service to our small community.

It gutted me to call the owner Gail, a woman who has been a force for good in our town for decades, and tell her that most of her donations were stolen.

On top of that, I had to wait five hours for the crime scene techs to clear the major seven-car pile on the highway before they could come to my scene. After carefully cataloging everything missing and documenting all the damage for her insurance company, I was able to clear the call. It was a mess.

When I get back to the station, I make quick work of dropping the sealed evidence bags in a secure locker and heading to my truck so I can hurry to my wife.

“Garcia, wait up,” Joe calls as he jogs up behind me with a stupid smirk on his face.

“Seriously, Joe….” I stare at him, tight-lipped. After a few seconds of his silence, I bite, “What do you need, Joseph?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “Nothing. I saw you were irritated and wanted to bust your balls before you took lunch because it’s so much fun when you’re wound so tight. You need to learn to lighten up, bro.” He shrugs with a smile. “Tell Ellie I said hello.”

With a quick wave, he turns back around and heads inside.

“You’re a dick,” I shout to his back.

“But you still love me!” I hear as his voice trails off.

I hop in my truck and begin the short drive to lunch in silence, minus dispatch squawking in my ear. I make it to the restaurant, park, and start walking up to the sunny yellow shack that overlooks the Pacific Ocean.