Page 16 of Make Me Believe

I hate her. Mostly because she slept with Zac. It was before we even met, but I am still jealous when I see them talking to each other.

"We met in the men's shower," Ashley continues enthusiastically. "When I came in, he was already hard."

"No way!" Penelope exclaims loudly, probably for the whole school to hear.

"He told me to get on my knees, and I gave him a blow job right there. Can you believe it?"

I stand up to get the hell away from here so I won’t have to hear more details of Ashley's love life, but then I hear...

"Yeah, Zac Harden never changes," Penelope says, and I freeze in place. "I thought he didn't date anymore."

I feel my legs start shaking.

"He might not be dating, but he obviously cannot resist me. He never could," Ashley murmurs, so satisfied that I think I'm gonna puke.

I'll deal with it later... Zac told me when I asked him about his hard cock.

Had he really been planning to hook up with Ashley?

I feel like I can't breathe.

I need to get out of school. Right now!

I open the door, and they both turn to face me.

I guess my face is red out of worry, and I feel my eyes are getting wetter with each second.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't know anyone was here," Ashley says, obviously lying. Her devious smile proves it: she's pleased that I heard everything.

I rush out of the bathroom with the speed of a panther, calling an Uber on the way.

I can't stay here any longer. I can't let them see me crying.

And mostly, I don't want Zac to see how much he hurt me.

Chapter Ten


'Where are you?'

'What happened?'

'Answer the phone!'

'I'm worried...'

I’ve been sending Sky message after message since I called her six times and she didn't pick up the phone.

When I went to school security and watched the cameras, I realized that she's gone. She walked out of school an hour ago, hiding her face under oversized sunglasses.

Who the fuck upset her?

I rush to my car; my hands are shaking from fear and frustration. My girl was crying when she left school, and now she doesn't even want to pick up her phone.

I drove home twice as fast as usual, breaking laws all the way.

I run upstairs, taking the steps three at a time, but when I try to open the door of her bedroom, I realize that it's locked.