Page 15 of Make Me Believe

I don't have to steal anything! Zac will.


?* * *

Half an hour later, we finally manage to get out of bed somehow, after Zac gave me more pleasure with his skillful mouth. Then he went straight to the shower, without even asking me to come with him, so I went to mine alone.

He's patiently waiting for me to be ready for our first real connection.

And I'm ready, oh, gosh, I'm so ready. I'm getting wet just from thinking about it.

But my mind, for some reason, continues to find more and more reasons why I shouldn't do this.

While he drives us to school, his hand stays on my knee the entire way, gently stroking my skin with his soft fingers.

I can't believe it's the same man who mocked me whenever he saw me, ever since the day we first met; the man who ignored me at school, pretending we didn't know each other.

He's so different now, so gentle, so calm.

And my mind keeps asking: which one of these two is real?

At the first break, Zac finds me at school and kisses me deeply in the corner. I shouldn't let him do this—someone could see us—but I just can't resist.

He has two tests in a row now, and I wish him luck with another kiss to his forehead. My mom used to do this each day before school tests when I was little. It was a gesture of love...

Wait a second. Am I in love with Zac Harden?

No, no, no, that can't happen. Not now, when I'm finally two weeks away from my graduation, and then I'm going to college in a couple of months, where I won't see him anymore.

This can only be a fling. I've dreamt about his body for so long, and that's why I'm so excited now. I'm leaving for college.

But do I hate him?

I walk into the restroom to wash my face and clear my mind a little.

My head is spinning with all of the thoughts running through it.

I lock myself in one of the stalls and take a seat on the toilet lid to think.

I cannot be in love with Zac Harden. It's not possible to fall in love with a person that fast. I hated him only a day ago; how can I feel for him what I think I do now?

Except that I didn't hate him. I never hated him. I was attracted to him so much that I hated myself. I hated that he ignored me, and when he wasn't, he was making fun of me to make me look stupid. But what if...

What if that was his way to stay away from me for as long as possible? What if he’s wanted me as much as I wanted him all this time?

He always leaves the last candy in the box for me. He says it's because he's an athlete and can't eat so much sugar, but he also knows that I have a sweet tooth.

He always drives me to school and back home, even if he has swim practice in the morning and I overslept, even if he wants to go watch a game with his friends. He drives me home first and then goes out to party.

Once, when I felt terrible after overeating sushi, he came to my room and did all of my homework, telling me to rest.

I finally realize that I haven’t just fallen in love with Zac Harden. I have been in love with him for a long time.

"Tell me everything!" I hear a familiar voice say, walking into the restroom.

Penelope Bowman is one of those nasty cheerleaders who wears high heels and makeup even if she’s going to the gym.

"He texted me this morning," another girl answers, and I realize that it's Ashley, the main cheerleader.