Page 96 of Wicked Lessons

Tin Soldiers on Pluto playsUnder Pressure, which makes everyone cheer. I take a long sip from the bottle, followed by another from my schnapps-and-Baileys latte. By the end of the song, my frayed nerves fall calm.

Veer moves his hips to the music, looking like he was built for the stage. When our eyes meet, I offer him a smile.

He winks back.

This is a new side I’ve seen to my classmate. Up until now, I thought he was peculiar with his long hair and vintage clothes. He seemed like a poor little rich boy, trying to rebel from the huge empire he’s going to inherit. But seeing him up there casts him in a different light.

I lean into Charlotte’s side. “This is actually really good.”

“Yeah, I know.” She wraps an arm around my shoulders.

We sway together to the music.

Veer introduces some of his original songs, which are catchier and more to my taste than the David Bowie covers, and my attention strays to the trio sitting close to the barista bar.

Professor Segul’s eyes meet mine, and the look on his features is stern. I’m too buzzed to react. If he wants to date a more sophisticated, age-appropriate woman he can parade around campus, then that’s fine.

The money in my account will last at least two terms if I’m wise, and there’s nothing stopping me from getting a weekend job.

Huffing a laugh, I turn back to the stage. I’m not the kind of sucker who falls for a guy after a few hot encounters.

My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my bag and glance at the screen.

It’s a message from Professor Segul:Miss Stahl, what did you just pour in your coffee cup?

Snaps.I message back. Wait a minute, that’s not how to spell it.Schnapps.

Stop drinking it this instant.

You can’t give me orders.

I raise my cup to my lips and down its contents. After that, I pour myself a generous shot of schnapps.

I will not tell you again.

On instinct, my body twists toward where Professor Segul is sitting with his date, but I force myself not to look.

My phone buzzes again with another message.You’re coming home with me.

The boys in the band are having an after party. I’m going there with Charlotte.

You will do no such thing.

Stop me.

Charlotte hooks an arm around my neck. “He’s looking at you.”

My heart flips, and I glance over my shoulder.

“On stage,” she whisper-shouts.

Veer’s entire body is turned toward us. It’s like he’s singing and playing for just Charlotte and me.

“Do you still think he’s hot?” she shouts just the music stops.

From the way Veer grins at us, I think he only hears the last part of that sentence. An alcohol-fueled part of my psyche thinks it’s a good idea to encourage his attention. I sit straighter in my seat, raise my hand, and give him a little wave.

Veer waves back. As he starts the next song, he dances toward Axel, the guy Charlotte likes, and leans into his ear. Axel turns to us and nods, making Veer smile even wider.