Page 97 of Wicked Lessons

I’m no expert in lip reading, but I think Veer just asked if we were invited to his after party.

My phone buzzes once more.Get up and walk out through the front door. I will meet you at the back.


Do not disobey me unless you wish to add to your punishment.

My brow furrows.What did I do??

I glance toward the other side of the café, where Dr. Xander sits alone. And when I twist toward the barista bar to see who’s in line for drinks, there’s no sign of Professor Segul or Dr. Raring.

Because they left.



“They’re so sexy,” Charlotte yells.

I down the rest of my alcoholic latte and try to wash away any feelings of attachment. Men come and go all the time. Look at Dad. He left me without a penny or a single note. Why would Professor Segul be any different? We had fun, lots of it, but at least he’s leaving me with enough to survive the academic year.

Psychedelic lights swirl around the stage, and my mind spirals.

Yesterday’s confrontation with Athena and the other girls must have freaked him the fuck out.

He never wanted a relationship with a student, remember? He had canceled on me.


Yet, the first time, I had blackmailed him.

My heart sinks into my gut.

Why on earth did I think anything good could develop from an association based on coercion?

I bring the bottle to my lips, ready to numb the pain, but Charlotte grabs my wrist.

“What are you doing?” She snatches the bottle and holds it to the light. “Shit, Phoenix, that’s seventy percent proof. If you drink any more than that, you’ll be shit-faced.”

“I’m alright.”

She replaces the lid on the bottle and tucks it away on her other side. “No more for you.”

I slump in my seat and enjoy the rest of the show until the curtains fall. Applause fills the campus café, and I turn back toward the barista bar, finding Dr. Xander giving them a standing ovation. He really is a sweet guy.

Charlotte hooks an arm through mine and helps me stand. Blood and sensation drain from my head, leaving me so woozy that I have to slump down.

“Bloody hell.” I take a huge breath.

She chuckles. “See what I mean?”

“No, no.” I shake my head, suddenly seeing double. “I’m fine.”

Tin Soldiers on Pluto plays another tune, and the curtains open again, making everyone return to their seats.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I shout.

Charlotte rises. “I’ll come with you.”