Page 93 of Wicked Lessons

I rattle off the order, adding an espresso for myself, just in case I need the caffeine to stay awake through the performance.

My gaze darts to the booth, where Dr. Raring has managed to swap places with Dr. Xander, so she’s now sitting in the middle.


I’m probably overthinking her motives. Maybe she’s just trying too hard to flirt. But a woman that beautiful should never have to throw herself at what she thinks is a regular academic.

Which is why she must be a spy for Odin.

The barista brings my order, and I pay with my phone. Even if she is an agent of the Bestlasson family, I haven’t had any contact with the target since that first lecture. However, it would be wise to exercise caution regarding everything, including Phoenix.

I take the drinks back to the table, grimace with distaste at the sight of her sitting in the middle, and lower myself in the seat beside her.

“Thank you.” She bats her false eyelashes.

Ignoring her, I pick up my espresso cup and push the tray toward Dr. Xander.

“You’re causing real waves across campus.” She brings her drink to her painted lips.

I take a sip of espresso, which is surprisingly rich for something served within the campus of a university.

“The video clip of Athena Belus at your office reached Uranos,” she says in the tone of voice that implies she sent it. “He was displeased.”

My gaze darts to Dr. Xander, who doesn’t seem to be listening. With a frown, I glare at her out of the corner of my eye. “Indeed?”

“He said there was a slippery slope from protesting sexist remarks to closing down his brothels.”

My jaw clenches the way it does when anything reminds me of Crius and what he could be doing to Mother.

I’d like to think that he wouldn’t put her to work at one of his establishments, but then this is the same man who broke our agreement by spiriting her away a decade after selling me our freedom.

“He made Athena resign as the Women’s Officer. She won’t bother you any further.”

The only response I give her is a nod.

Knowing that she’s affiliated with Uranos and not Odin loosens the knot of tension I’ve held since she first introduced herself. I sit back in my seat and relax. Both men are equally as dangerous, but I’m only trying to abduct the heir of one of them.

Dr. Raring is probably just a flirt. But I’m too consumed by Phoenix to care.

She says something, but I let my attention drift across the café. Mr. Olorun from Finance and Accounting sits in the booth opposite with a group of students. The girl sitting next to him also carries the mark of Shango on her cheek.

My brows pull together. The last time I was active in the underworld, the old man didn’t recruit women.

I drift away from that group and to the stage. My gaze locks with Phoenix, who stares back at me with her lips parted.

Annoyance reaches into my gut and twists. What on earth is she doing here, when I ordered her to stay away from Veer Bestlasson?

My attention jumps to the guitarist talking with her friend. At least she listened to half of my command.

Dr. Raring leans into my side. “Isn’t that the banana student?”

“I distinctly thought the long-haired chap was a member of Tin Soldiers on Mars,” I reply.

“Pluto,” says Dr. Xander with a bright smile. “It’s Tin Soldiers on Pluto.”

The curtains open, revealing the other three members of the band, and they launch into a cover of David Bowie’s Space Oddity. The music is surprisingly good. Good enough for a clip of them to leak into the internet and capture the attention of one or more of the venues Quinn identified.

Two sets of glowers burn the sides of my face. Phoenix’s and Dr. Raring’s. As I continue glancing around, I find a booth full of the girls who had stormed my office yesterday.